29 & wtf is happening

I turned 29 in march & the months leading up to my birthday I havery notice subtle changes in my face and body. Then I turned 29 and gained 10 lbs I can't seem to lose & my whole body is changing wtf??? Is it rapid aging or what is going on? I have 2 children and have never felt this bad about myself! My wedding is in 6 months and idk what I'm going to do. Is this when it all starts?? Hmm I guess I'll just have to see what the rest of the year brings... hopefully better things.


  • You're not alone! I turned 30 in July of last year and I have definitely noticed a difference in my body. For starters, I started having all these stomach issues to then be told that I'm lactose intolerant. My knees are popping like I'm an 80 year old woman, I'm trying to do some strength exercises to help with that. I've also gained weight and it is coming back in places it has never been before. It's depressing but at the same time it reminds me that I'm a human being and life is very short, if I don't take care of myself now then it may be too late. How's that for a kick in the butt on your big 3-0!? LOL
  • P.s. I realize there are worse things in life than weight gain and body changes. But 10 lbs and new wrinkles rapidly appearing right before the wedding I've been waiting 7 years for... am I even going to fit in my dress now. that's why I'm here on map trying to work my but off to no avail. No results. Super plateau.
  • My whole metabolism changed after I had my son..I'm nervous for when I turn 30 in august haha. It's all about starting to watch what you eat..calorie counting etc. I'm getting back to it myself too! Good Luck!
  • It sounds like you're stressed out because you're planning your wedding! Schedule some self care in there, too. Meditation, yoga, massage. Less stress= prettier everything.
  • I started packing on weight and noticing the same changes around 28 or so. But I also quit smoking and found love around the same time. Both of which can equal fat & happy.
  • Since hitting 30 (or thereabouts), I've found weight management more difficult. I have to be more precise if I want to lose weight. That means weighing the majority of my food (I don't weigh it when we go out), trying to be as active as I can (ie. making my 10,000 step goal), getting more sleep.

    If you can nail down the food logging, I think you'll find more success. Can't speak to the wrinkles - I've just learned to wear less make up (I am blessed with fairly even skin with few break outs), and embrace them. :)
  • I agree that it souns like stress. Take time to slow down. Even just a few deep breaths can be calming.
  • My whole metabolism changed after I had my son..I'm nervous for when I turn 30 in august haha. It's all about starting to watch what you eat..calorie counting etc. I'm getting back to it myself too! Good Luck!

    Absent a medical condition and assuming similar activity levels, I'm fairly certain it doesn't actually work that way. Did you accurately log during the times before and after to determine this change? Perhaps post-pregnancy weight led you to believe this?

    Also, OP, the good news is that it gets better when you hit 40*.

    (*LOL. Just kidding. It gets worse. So much worse.)

    That said, the changes in my metabolism (based on years of consistent tracking) seem to be >95% correlated with my general activity levels with age being in the other <5%.
  • alymarphi wrote: »
    I turned 29 in march & the months leading up to my birthday I havery notice subtle changes in my face and body. Then I turned 29 and gained 10 lbs I can't seem to lose & my whole body is changing wtf??? Is it rapid aging or what is going on? I have 2 children and have never felt this bad about myself! My wedding is in 6 months and idk what I'm going to do. Is this when it all starts?? Hmm I guess I'll just have to see what the rest of the year brings... hopefully better things.

    One of us one of us

  • It happens as you get older that's why sites like these are so popular with my age group