5:2 ????

Need to figure out what I can do to drop a few more pounds without it taking weeks in order to get myself motivated again... I've lost about 22lbs, but the first 18-19 came off in two months, and it's been almost two more months and I've only reached 22lbs loss... Has anyone done the 5:2 diet? I'm considering trying this for a few weeks- I don't think I will go crazy for the 5 days- but maybe just reach my current calorie goal/go slightly over and then stick to the 500cals for the two fasting days... It sounded crazy and unhealthy to me but with some very quick research I am reading that apparently there are many health benefits!? ... Any info/experience/knowledge would be greatly appreciated


  • No I've never done 5:2, but I did get good results with intermittent fasting. That's eating within a smaller window each day - you can have a 4,6 or 8 hour window. So you still eat at a calorie deficit every day, but you eat within a smaller window. Easier to stick to than a full day of fasting.
  • What is your current calorie goal? You supposed to eat up to maintenance calories on feast days. Also, you use the TDEE method (which is total daily energy expenditure including your exercise), so you don't eat back exercise calories using this method. 5:2 is still a slow weight loss method, pretty comparable to a 0.5-1lb lost per week if you're in your BMI range already.
  • Been doing 5:2 for two years. 1yr of losses (86kg to 57kg), 1 yr of maintainance (57-28kg). Works well, but not a quick fix. I have a low TDEE (short / light), so my deficit with two fasts and 5 TDEE days a week is only around 2500cal. That is less than 1lb loss per week. Just saying.

    I like it, because I hate daily restriction. And it is now a good tool for me to maintain, while enjoying festivities without having to worry too much.
  • What is your current calorie goal? You supposed to eat up to maintenance calories on feast days. Also, you use the TDEE method (which is total daily energy expenditure including your exercise), so you don't eat back exercise calories using this method. 5:2 is still a slow weight loss method, pretty comparable to a 0.5-1lb lost per week if you're in your BMI range already.
    Current goal is 1230... Most days I'm between 1050-1200... I already don't log or eat back any burned cals... I'm 5'6 and 163lbs, so my current bmi is actually over, sitting at 26...
  • No I've never done 5:2, but I did get good results with intermittent fasting. That's eating within a smaller window each day - you can have a 4,6 or 8 hour window. So you still eat at a calorie deficit every day, but you eat within a smaller window. Easier to stick to than a full day of fasting.
    I'm really confused about what you mean... The idea of fasting at all is completely new to me...
  • flumi_f wrote: »
    Been doing 5:2 for two years. 1yr of losses (86kg to 57kg), 1 yr of maintainance (57-28kg). Works well, but not a quick fix. I have a low TDEE (short / light), so my deficit with two fasts and 5 TDEE days a week is only around 2500cal. That is less than 1lb loss per week. Just saying.

    I like it, because I hate daily restriction. And it is now a good tool for me to maintain, while enjoying festivities without having to worry too much.

    I think I have ALOT more researching to do because I feel like I am really lost trying to figure out what all this means lol
  • I am in week three of 5:2 and have lost over 3 lbs so far. However, I do not eat at maintenance 5 of the days (my TDEE is around 2100-2200). This is how I have been doing it:

    Sunday: 1400-1600 cal
    Monday: 500 cal
    Tuesday: 1400-1600 cal
    Wednesday: 1400-1600 cal
    Thursday: 500 cal
    Friday and Saturday: Whatever I have left of the total calories I can have a week to lose 1 lb, split between the two days. This past weekend, I had created so much of a deficit last week that I could have about 3000 cal each day and STILL lose weight. This is a good thing for me, as I typically go out to eat/drink a lot with friends/abandon my super strict healthy ways on weekends.

    I have been in a plateau forever and I knew it was because I wiped out my deficit during the weekend. But now, I have FINALLY found something that works for me and my life.
  • ashNoak wrote: »
    No I've never done 5:2, but I did get good results with intermittent fasting. That's eating within a smaller window each day - you can have a 4,6 or 8 hour window. So you still eat at a calorie deficit every day, but you eat within a smaller window. Easier to stick to than a full day of fasting.
    I'm really confused about what you mean... The idea of fasting at all is completely new to me...

    I mean you fast for a period every day, but not a whole day. So say you have an 8 hour eating window every day, you would eat between 12-8pm or 1-9pm, so for the other 14 hours of the day you are fasting. It means that the majority of your fast is overnight too!

    Or you can have a 4 hour eating window, so you would eat from 5-9pm so you are fasting for 20 hours.

  • I tried 5:2 and just could not sustain it. On my 2 days I had such low energy by the end of the day and I was irritable. What works best for me is 16:8. Where I only eat in an 8 hour window during the day (usually 10 AM - 6 PM). I have found I am able to fuel myself during my busiest time of day and not get the low energy. Occasionally, if I have had a rough day (a party, high calorie, celebration, etc.) I will fast from bedtime until about 6 PM the next day. Just to give my body time to reset from the previous day's food.

    If you are new to fasting, I suggest playing around with the different combos of days/hours to see what works best for you.
  • ashNoak wrote: »
    What is your current calorie goal? You supposed to eat up to maintenance calories on feast days. Also, you use the TDEE method (which is total daily energy expenditure including your exercise), so you don't eat back exercise calories using this method. 5:2 is still a slow weight loss method, pretty comparable to a 0.5-1lb lost per week if you're in your BMI range already.
    Current goal is 1230... Most days I'm between 1050-1200... I already don't log or eat back any burned cals... I'm 5'6 and 163lbs, so my current bmi is actually over, sitting at 26...

    You're the same height as me. And age! So I can help you out here... if you're including exercise calories, then 5 days a week you should be eating about 1800 calories. Then you'd have two 500 calorie days. I tried doing 1200 and 500 for a bit and I made myself sick (and seriously screwed up my cycle which has taken a year to get back to normal). So I definitely would NOT recommend ever eating 1200/500 combo. AND definitely not 1000/500.

    If you're finding you're having trouble losing weight, try looking at your diary. Maybe you're not logging everything accurately or you're missing something. There are some stickies (which I have trouble finding but maybe someone else can help) that describe good ways of measuring your food. Essentially you want to use a food scale and use USDA values from the database. Try avoiding generic or homemade entries. Pick ones that have LOTS of confirmations!
  • Before trying this 5:2 diet, are you weighing your food? You may actually be eating way more than you realize. You should research all avenues, not just one that you think will give you the results you want. These threads have given me a lot of good information, especially when it comes to how many calories I should be eating, logging and tracking what I eat, etc:



  • What is your current calorie goal? You supposed to eat up to maintenance calories on feast days. Also, you use the TDEE method (which is total daily energy expenditure including your exercise), so you don't eat back exercise calories using this method. 5:2 is still a slow weight loss method, pretty comparable to a 0.5-1lb lost per week if you're in your BMI range already.


    The "5" days are maintenance. I chose 5:2 because it's slow. You might look into the alternate day diet...it's more like 4:3 (4 being maintenance).

    Close to goal should be slow, there's a trade-off for fast weight loss. As you get closer to goal really large deficits make it hard for your body to support existing lean muscle. Do you want the number on the scale quickly.....or do you want to lower your body fat percentage?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    FoxyMars25 wrote: »
    I am in week three of 5:2 and have lost over 3 lbs so far. However, I do not eat at maintenance 5 of the days (my TDEE is around 2100-2200). This is how I have been doing it:

    Sunday: 1400-1600 cal
    Monday: 500 cal
    Tuesday: 1400-1600 cal
    Wednesday: 1400-1600 cal
    Thursday: 500 cal
    Friday and Saturday: Whatever I have left of the total calories I can have a week to lose 1 lb, split between the two days. This past weekend, I had created so much of a deficit last week that I could have about 3000 cal each day and STILL lose weight. This is a good thing for me, as I typically go out to eat/drink a lot with friends/abandon my super strict healthy ways on weekends.

    I have been in a plateau forever and I knew it was because I wiped out my deficit during the weekend. But now, I have FINALLY found something that works for me and my life.

    Then you are not doing 5:2...... you are doing a low calorie ZIG-ZAG diet. I hope you average at least 1200 net calories over the week.
  • I'm starting the 5:2 today :)
  • You can work out your TDEE here, http://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/. Set your activity to Sedentary, and that should give you the amount you need to eat on your non fast days. On Fast days eat what you like up to 500 calories for women/600 for me. No need to have an eating window, you can split your calories in the best way for you, although many people find it best to save most or all their calories for an evening meal as smaller meals can make you hungrier.
    Drink lots of water on fast days, exercise if you want, but don't eat back your exercise calories.
    If you have any more questions you can ask in one of the 5:2 groups,
    Weight-loss will be slow, around 1lb a week, but it is sustainable, and you only have to diet for one day at a time.
  • ashNoak wrote: »
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Been doing 5:2 for two years. 1yr of losses (86kg to 57kg), 1 yr of maintainance (57-28kg). Works well, but not a quick fix. I have a low TDEE (short / light), so my deficit with two fasts and 5 TDEE days a week is only around 2500cal. That is less than 1lb loss per week. Just saying.

    I like it, because I hate daily restriction. And it is now a good tool for me to maintain, while enjoying festivities without having to worry too much.

    I think I have ALOT more researching to do because I feel like I am really lost trying to figure out what all this means lol

    Here's a link to a couple of intermittent fasting groups...


  • ashNoak wrote: »
    No I've never done 5:2, but I did get good results with intermittent fasting. That's eating within a smaller window each day - you can have a 4,6 or 8 hour window. So you still eat at a calorie deficit every day, but you eat within a smaller window. Easier to stick to than a full day of fasting.
    I'm really confused about what you mean... The idea of fasting at all is completely new to me...

    I mean you fast for a period every day, but not a whole day. So say you have an 8 hour eating window every day, you would eat between 12-8pm or 1-9pm, so for the other 14 hours of the day you are fasting. It means that the majority of your fast is overnight too!

    Or you can have a 4 hour eating window, so you would eat from 5-9pm so you are fasting for 20 hours.

    Hmm... I am almost doing this now-- i don't eat anything after dinner and don't eat anything until my kids are fed and big ones are at school... Maybe I should start by watching this more closely and ensuring its always in a perfect time period...
  • Emily3907 wrote: »
    I tried 5:2 and just could not sustain it. On my 2 days I had such low energy by the end of the day and I was irritable. What works best for me is 16:8. Where I only eat in an 8 hour window during the day (usually 10 AM - 6 PM). I have found I am able to fuel myself during my busiest time of day and not get the low energy. Occasionally, if I have had a rough day (a party, high calorie, celebration, etc.) I will fast from bedtime until about 6 PM the next day. Just to give my body time to reset from the previous day's food.

    If you are new to fasting, I suggest playing around with the different combos of days/hours to see what works best for you.
    This may be the best way for me to start with experimenting with fasting!
  • VeryKatie wrote: »
    ashNoak wrote: »
    What is your current calorie goal? You supposed to eat up to maintenance calories on feast days. Also, you use the TDEE method (which is total daily energy expenditure including your exercise), so you don't eat back exercise calories using this method. 5:2 is still a slow weight loss method, pretty comparable to a 0.5-1lb lost per week if you're in your BMI range already.
    Current goal is 1230... Most days I'm between 1050-1200... I already don't log or eat back any burned cals... I'm 5'6 and 163lbs, so my current bmi is actually over, sitting at 26...

    You're the same height as me. And age! So I can help you out here... if you're including exercise calories, then 5 days a week you should be eating about 1800 calories. Then you'd have two 500 calorie days. I tried doing 1200 and 500 for a bit and I made myself sick (and seriously screwed up my cycle which has taken a year to get back to normal). So I definitely would NOT recommend ever eating 1200/500 combo. AND definitely not 1000/500.

    If you're finding you're having trouble losing weight, try looking at your diary. Maybe you're not logging everything accurately or you're missing something. There are some stickies (which I have trouble finding but maybe someone else can help) that describe good ways of measuring your food. Essentially you want to use a food scale and use USDA values from the database. Try avoiding generic or homemade entries. Pick ones that have LOTS of confirmations!

    I do always weigh and make sure I'm eating exactly what I log... 1800 just seems HUGE to me, I don't even know if I could eat that much everyday... Unless I started eating junk...

  • Before trying this 5:2 diet, are you weighing your food? You may actually be eating way more than you realize. You should research all avenues, not just one that you think will give you the results you want. These threads have given me a lot of good information, especially when it comes to how many calories I should be eating, logging and tracking what I eat, etc:




    Yes I always use a scale :)