Work lunch ideas



  • Go to your local grocery store and browse the aisles. Have a good look at what's available.

    One of my favourites is a 1-serve package of Uncle Ben's Brown Rice mixed with chicken canned in springwater and topped with an individual serving of steamed veggies (Heinz or Bird's Eye) - steam in the bag.

    LaZuppa soups - in the bowls - are also pretty good. Really quite filling and very low cal. I usually mix one with some noodles and/or steamed veggies.

    Uncle Ben's Single Serve Rice ... I like the brown rice, but the others aren't bad either.

    Heinz Steamfresh Veggies ... my favourite is the broccoli, carrots, and snap peas, but if the others are on sale, I'll go for them.

    LaZuppa's bowl soups ... my favourite is the Spiced Red Lentil but the others are nice as well.

  • I'm in the pre-portioned leftovers camp - I batch cook several recipes on the weekend and pre-portion them into Tupperware containers and eat them for lunches and dinners all week. I pre-log it all in MFP too so it's even easier.

    I used to make salads for the week, but sort of burned out on them.

  • My husband and I both alternate between quinoa salads and sandwiches. Usually the quinoa salad is quinoa, feta, cucumbers, red onion, slivered almonds or pine nuts, and he adds a little olive oil and vinegar. I just salt the cucumbers to make them juicy. Sandwiches are usually homemade bread with an ounce or two of meat and a slice of cheese with lettuce, onion, and a little mayo. Otherwise, I'll bring a lot of snacks like cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, hummus and snap peas, snacky-type vegetables, fruit, or maybe leftovers from dinner.

    And always a little something for dessert - a fruit leather or Ghiradelli square - and a sparkling water.
  • half can of corn, half can black beans, big scoop of salsa...
  • I'm in the leftover camp, as well. For lunch, I might have leftover grilled chicken or salmon on top of spinach or lettuce, loads of other veggies added, with balsamic or Dijon dressing. My lunches rarely surpass 300 calories, and the salads are always filling and satisfying.
  • Deli turkey, an apple, raw veggies, laughing cow white cheddar wedge with 5 pretzel spoons, sugar free jello, a piece of chocolate; all this for usually 300 calories or less.