Down 75 Pounds (pics)

I have always been a little chubby, but I hit my all time highest weight as a senior in high school in 2011. I was 5'4" and weighed 235 pounds. I was super depressed and always felt tired. I got into a vicious cycle of feeling bad about my body, then comfort eating which of course made it worse. Finally, at the beginning of 2012, I decided to do something about it. I cut out pasta almost all together (I was pretty much living on it) and cut down on sweets. I severely upped my water intake. And I started doing at least 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week. By mid-2013 I was down to 165 and feeling great. Now, for the past two years, I have managed to maintain my weight loss (fluctuating between 160-175). However, due to being a busy college student I stopped exercising. But now I have set a new goal. I want to get down to 140lbs by the end of summer and finally be in a healthy BMI range! As of yesterday, I weighed in at 158lbs. I plan to start working out again 3 times a week and eating better again to get to and say at my target weight.

I don't have very good pictures because I always felt very self conscious of full body pics but before:


And current:


  • Wow Brilliant.

    BTW you are very beautiful.
  • Thanks so much for all the kind words everyone :) I'm flattered. Feel free to send me friend requests and ask questions if you have any!
  • Wow you look great, i have just started my journey, do you mind sharing how you did it.
  • Sorry it took me so long to answer. School is crazy cuz finals are next week. But yes, I'd love to share some of the weight loss tips that have worked for me!

    1. Drink plenty of water. It also helps to drink a glass before every meal as it will make you feel fuller sooner and eat less. I don't drink any soda or coffee. If I need caffeine I drink tea.
    2. Half an hour of cardio every other day. My favorite is the elliptical cuz it's easy on my knees. Weight lifting also helps.
    3. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach.
    4. Plan your meals out ahead of time. If you are going to eat something that you know you have a hard time with controlling portion sizes: measure out the amount you should eat and put the leftovers away BEFORE you eat. This often stops you from going back for seconds.
    5. Cut down on carbs. French fries and pasta are special treats for me.
    6. Take vitamin D3 daily. Most of the population is deficient in Vitamin D and is helps with weight loss.
    7. And I know this one might be hard for most people, but I don't eat meat. If you are going to eat meat, do very little red meat. Try to replace it with turkey and fish.

    I hope these help!
  • You look great! Such a big change! Wow! Amazing! Keep it up.
  • Congrats!!
  • You look beautiful! Great job and best wishes on your continued journey!