What 22.5 months, 20 lbs (and better make up skills) does to a girl....

Hi everyone,

I've never done one of these before and I am no way where I want to be in terms of my fitness, my body and my weight, but I thought I would share a side-by-side comparison with my prom picture and a picture of me from a ball I went to last night.


The picture on the left is from late June 2013 and on the right is early May 2015. 22 and a half months, 20 lbs and improved make up skills can do wonders! I wanted to share this picture partly because I'm very proud of myself and partly to show people, especially young women, that a bit of time and effort can really pay off! I felt so confident last night and I had a wonderful time and, no, it wasn't all because of how I looked but it certainly helped!


  • Oh my gosh thank you so so much everyone for the most lovely comments! You have all given me such a confidence boost - and, perhaps more importantly, I'm now thinking much more positively about how I used to look! Wishing you all the best :)
  • You are a very pretty girl, in both pictures. Congratulations on your hard work to get to the weight you are. I don't think you need to lose much more weight. You want to maintain your shape and not be "skinny". Good job!!!
  • Thank you! I think you're right - I'm pretty much at the weight that's right for me, I just want to now work on toning and building muscle!
  • This made me emotional. I think everybody (man or woman) goes through these stages in life. Especially in high school. This is the reason books like Twilight are invented because we can all relate. I'm so proud of you! Wait to go! Keep up the good eating habits! It's a lifetime commitment. I'm in my thirties and just started. I'm not extremely over weight. It's just these blasted 20 lbs that have crept on over the years. People tell me all the time, "You look great. Stop it. You're darling." But I want to tell them not to say that because soon 20 turns into 40 lbs overweight and then I'm gone. I have a family line of obesity, but with strong gals like yourself on here I can beat this! Thanks for posting!
  • This made me emotional. I think everybody (man or woman) goes through these stages in life. Especially in high school. This is the reason books like Twilight are invented because we can all relate. I'm so proud of you! Wait to go! Keep up the good eating habits! It's a lifetime commitment. I'm in my thirties and just started. I'm not extremely over weight. It's just these blasted 20 lbs that have crept on over the years. People tell me all the time, "You look great. Stop it. You're darling." But I want to tell them not to say that because soon 20 turns into 40 lbs overweight and then I'm gone. I have a family line of obesity, but with strong gals like yourself on here I can beat this! Thanks for posting!

    THIS comment made ME emotional! Thank you so much!
    Like you, I've had people say "you're not fat, you look lovely already, why are you doing this etc" - the best response I've come up with is "I am doing this for me because I want to and I'm feeling so much better". Eating healthy and falling in love with exercise is the best decision I ever made because it has turned my life around. My doctor told me to keep an eye on my weight because it might become a problem and lead to health issues - that's definitely not something any teenager wants to or should hear! I wish you the best of luck for your journey and I'm sure you can do it! If this comfort-eating, food-loving, exercise-hating gal can do it, anyone can
  • You look great in both pictures. Love your hair in the before. I agree your confidence shines through in the after pic.
  • Thank you! I think you're right - I'm pretty much at the weight that's right for me, I just want to now work on toning and building muscle!

    You look great congratulations:). There's a lot of helpful links on here about building muscle.