Can't get into the right mindset. Help!

In the past I've used MFP to loose the lbs, and most importantly get fit and healthy too. Then life (lots of stress) got in the way and I ended up putting it all back on over a few years, then a bit more. weight loss has always been a mental thing for me, when I'm in the right mind set it's easy, I want to work out, and when I have I don't want to spoil all that effort by eating crap. I've really tried over the last few weeks, I'm fine for a couple of days, then for no apparent reason I'm back to stuffing my face. I exercise but the same sense of not wanting to 'spoil' that isn't there. Help! How do I get my PMA back???


  • Thanks to everyone for the replies, taentea especially - not tying food to exercise - that makes an awful lot of sense.
  • You have to simply take one day at a time and build on it. You cna cope with one day. When you get home you have to make a choice, stuff your face or do not wth the obvious results of either. If you stuff your face then you cnat want to lose weight badly enough and are happy to destri any deficit you might have created.

    Dont forget the lare majority of your deficit is created by controlling your consumption at home.
    Commit and become clear in your purpose and goal. Eating moe thna your allowance will reduce your deficit or even send you into suprplus, which hampres the effeciveness of your diet.

    If you cnat keep to this then examine whether your calories arent too low and deficit too aggressive.
  • Not sure what you set your weekly weight loss goal to. If you deficit is too large it may cause you to binge if you feel deprived. Instead of setting a goal to lose 2 lbs/week, set it for one and you get to eat more food.
  • Wow this really is a brilliant place the support is excellent and feel free to add me i can always do with help and support
  • Hello. I am in the same position. I started back in September (after seeing pictures of myself over last summer) and that was a real kick in the pants for me. I also have to be in the right mind set to be able to stick to my strict dieting and exercise and at that time I was extremely motivated and in the right mind set. From September 2014 - through end of February 2015 I lost 37.5 lbs. I was looking and feeling great! Though after that, I am not sure what happened... I just fell off track and am now trying to get back on. But like you, I am having a hard time getting my head back in the game.

    Junk food / snacks are my problem. During the day, while I am at work, I do fine and don't really have the urge to want to snack but when I get home - its a whole different ball game. All I want to do is snack! And I find after dinner, is the worst time for me. I try to keep myself busy so I don't think about snacking but some days I am just tired and just want to relax and watch tv... with a snack.

    I think starting today, I will take kyrannosaurus advice and just start logging everything, even if I have a bad day and maybe seeing it will put it in perspective for me and give me the kick in the pants I need.
  • Remember to clean out your cupboards of ALL junk foods! Read all labels and decide if it should stay or go! My general rule is if I can't say the ingredients or know what it is-- it goes!!!!!
    Make a meal plan for a week or 2. You can do all your basic cooking for the week and measure everything out. Remember spices are your friend-- they change flavours!!
  • I'm like you in some ways and so I understand what you're going through. It's not easy and if it was everyone would be fit. Find one activity you love and do that each day. Go from there. Take it one day at a time. Buddy up with people to help keep you accountable.
  • You need to focus on your own personal reasons why you want to lose weight and be very specific. Try and visualise clearly what it would be like to reach your goals. Then keep those very specific reasons and visualisations in your mind next time you reach for the junk food or don't feel like exercising :-)