Obesity to OMG: one woman’s journey

edited May 2015 in Success Stories
This makes me so proud that I never gave up. <3

My friend from the UK on here (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/darrensurrey) published this article today:


I lost 85 pounds almost 5 years ago and MFP has helped me maintain since then. I can't add any more friends as I've been at the 1000 limit for several years now, but the requests keep coming in - I'm sorry I can't add them. I didn't set the limit.

Here's a BnA picture, the after picture was in 2012:


And this picture was taken today:


I'm still really happy and living my dream!




  • what a fantastic job you've done!
  • You look great! I read the article and it was sensible and achievable advice! Thank you!
  • I read the article and there is some real wisdom in there! Congrats on your continued success! You look amazing!
  • I have no words. You're the ultimate role model. Great job!!
  • Absolutely amazing and inspiring! Im 30 and been at it for 105days but after seeing me have some success, my mom started mfp as well. Shes in her 50s and so far down about 20lbs and her doc took her off insulin and lowered her bp meds. Im so proud of her! And im so showing her your post/article. Fantastic job!
  • Thank you all of you ^^^ <3B) And anyone can achieve it with those little daily steps.
  • I am excited to hear that you've maintained for five years. That means that when we reach our goals, there's hope for the rest of us. Thanks for being inspiring! :-)
  • Great job, very inspiring. Really liked the article.
  • Iseulte wrote: »
    I am excited to hear that you've maintained for five years. That means that when we reach our goals, there's hope for the rest of us. Thanks for being inspiring! :-)

    Absolutely, there is hope for everyone. :)

  • Fantastic! Good for you! You look so happy.
  • You look incredible and I would never have guessed you at 55. What amazes me is how firm your skin looks. No loose skin issues associated with your weight loss?
  • I do have some skin issues, both from being overweight for so long, and just from age, and stretch marks from having kids, but these pictures don't show it. I have eaten healthy all my life and I know that helps, along with keeping hydrated. We all have skin issues especially as we age.
  • I would love to add you, shame you're friends list is max, would love to know how you did it?

    She has another thread on success stories where she tells all. Its very good.
  • I would love to add you, shame you're friends list is max, would love to know how you did it?

    She has another thread on success stories where she tells all. Its very good.

    Thank you <3 Especially since most of my stories around here are very old news from several years ago. We all keep learning as we go, so I've learned even more since then, and made some mistakes along the way too, but that's how we learn.

  • Amazing this gives me so much hope
  • Awesome work and way to stick with it!!
  • Fantastic!!! i thought at heading for 50 i would never get "there" you have now given me tremendous hope and my motivation a boost to continue and not just "settle" at the 70+ pounds ive managed to lose so far i CAN and WILL take this further

    thank you so much
  • OMG indeed!
  • so inspirational!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    You look amazing! Awesome transformation and very inspirational! Just read through the article and you have every right to be proud of this accomplishment! Between the article, your profile, and comments in this thread you have touched on the keys for becoming a healthier and better you - just do something, get a support network in place and ask for input but you need to find what works for you, take ownership of your situation and status, and don't quit. Congratulations and count me as one of the over 1000 friends that MFP limits you to and I look forward to reading more of your info!