What foods do you snack on??

I'm trying to get all of my calories in but I'm finding it difficult. At the end of the day I go to log my day and it tells me I need to eat more. If i go eat veggies it's still too low in calories but I don't want to snack on carbs and junk so late. What are some go to snacks that you have to help with your calorie intake?


  • If I have calories left I eat a special k protein bar, I always get sweet cravings at night so this cures it
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Graze snacks are my favorite because they have a great balance of protein, carbs and fat. Otherwise, it's typically Greek yogurt or cheese or protein bar with an apple, or a whole grain English muffin with ricotta and honey or nut butter.
  • Bread, cheese, butter, nuts, etc are some of my favorite snacks besides fruits and veggies.
  • amurray14 wrote: »
    I'm trying to get all of my calories in but I'm finding it difficult. At the end of the day I go to log my day and it tells me I need to eat more. If i go eat veggies it's still too low in calories but I don't want to snack on carbs and junk so late. What are some go to snacks that you have to help with your calorie intake?

    You could also analyze your diet here as a whole...my guess is that you've cut out a good deal of dietary fat...so get more of that. Saute or roast your veggies in some good oil, us full fat salad dressings, eat cheese and other full fat dairy, etc.
  • Clif Crunch bars, Nature Valley bars, Nature's Path bars, light butter popcorn
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Greek yogurt, veggies with hummus, 1/2 apple with 8 almonds, berries. Try to include protein in your snacks.
  • Lots of fruit and maybe some carrots
  • raw almonds and pistachios, yum :)
  • Nuts, greek yogurt, pure protein bars, Kashi bars, quest bars, greek yogurt with protein powder or pb2, hard boiled eggs, canned chicken, carrots and hummus. Justins nut butter packets with a banana or apple or on yogurt.
  • I like to snack on roasted chickpeas, seeds, dried fruit, rice cakes, etc.
    Sometimes I'll have an apple but make my dip of 3/4 cup of Greek yogurt, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp of any nut butter and its satisfying and healthy!
  • I make my own mixed nuts from the bulk section at my local market. This way, I know that it's everything I like and I can control the portions and sodium. Apples and peanut butter is also a favorite. There's "Mary's gone crackers" which are yummy too.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I plan for my after dinner snack so that it fits into my macros/calories for the day. Lately I've been liking So Delicious brand Cashew milk double chocolate truffle ice cream. So good and I will cut out my dinner carbs to eat it if I have to, it is that good. You can eat whatever you want and still lose, as long as you plan for it. I used to have the issue with not getting enough calories the last time I was on MFP and I ended up losing 10 lbs and then quit and gained it all back because I felt deprived of things I love. It is okay to eat things that are high calorie as long as they fit into your calorie/macro goals, and you will still lose weight because you'll still be at a calorie deficit. I no longer have an issue with meeting my calorie goals and I don't feel deprived anymore because I choose things I love and then work everything else around them. You do not have to eat boring boiled chicken, salad and veggies 3 times a day to lose weight. If you are having a hard time meeting your calorie goals it's because you're being too restrictive.
  • Cashew butter on top of dark chocolate covered rice cake, so yum you can also put low sugar jam on top of that. Greek yogurt with jam. Smoothies.
  • fruit, greek yogurt, granola bar, hard boiled or poached egg, deli slice of meat wrapped around cheese, carrot or jalapeno, cottage cheese ( usually add fruit or spicy salsa)