My first success

All of my life I've considered myself an athletic and active person. I was a tri-athlete and competed at it, ran and went to the gym as much as I could. I also ate fairly healthily. About 8 years ago I started to deal with a deeply embedded emotional issue and while it did create a benefit for me emotionally in that area, it destroyed my ability to avoid using food and eating as a coping mechanism. The more I ate, the less I wanted to work out, I let myself go. My highest weight was 246 lbs, for a 5'8" frame that is morbidly obese. I felt sick all the time, my breathing was awful, I even grunted and groaned when tying my own damn shoes! I'm a business executive and wear suits, I have felt so awful getting dressed and on the weekends I was "that" guy wearing sweats all the time. The trouble is I wanted to feel better. And this little voice kept telling me you can do it, anytime you want...but not today..tomorrow. My loving wife has tried for several years, trying new diets, words of encouragement and it all fell on deaf ears. I had tried MFP once briefly a few years ago and decided to give it another go. On 4/6/15 I logged in...for some reason something clicked. On that day I said these exact words:"I have a life long disease, and I need to control it like any other disease to live the best life I can". Corny, I know, but it just made sense to me. Tomorrow 5/4/15 marks the completion of 4 weeks...and I have dropped 13.2 lbs, 3.3 lbs per week. I have learned to log has to be tracked, I have a disease. I struggled through the work outs and the weak jelly belly core..and can now sweat hard through longer workouts and I feel it coming back! I have a long way to reach my goal of 180lbs, and to race and compete again, and I want to thank this awesome support group. Let's all do this together, be our best and beat this damn disease! Have a wonderful day!


  • Jbubello wrote: »
    My highest weight was 246 lbs, for a 5'8" frame that is morbidly obese.

    congratulations on making the mental change. I found the first few weeks the hardest as my body adjusted to the new eating regime. Im sure you'll reach your goal and be back at your sporting weight very soon.

    can i just mention though that 246 isn't strictly morbidly obese if youre 5'8". The definition of morbid obesity is 100lbs above target weight or a bmi of 40 or over. Your starting bmi was 37.4 and youve reduced it by 2 points which is fab !

    Im the same height with a start weight of 257 (and female). Even at my highest i just avoided the 40 bmi. You could argue that i should be under 157 but thats a different thread!

    I only mentioned it incase someone applied that to themselves and didnt want anyone to feel bad.

  • Thanks for the clarification. I learned two things here, the accurate definition AND THE FACT that I never ever want to be even close to that!!!!
  • Your post is very motivating!
  • Great post, thanks for sharing. So glad you felt that "click", and best of luck on your lifelong journey! You got this!
  • Thank you!!
  • You have done a fabulous job. I'm sure you can reach your target. Slow and steady does it... Cheers!
  • Great start! Keep at it!
  • Good Job!
  • I know that feeling of grunting to tie your shoes or struggling to wipe(tmi sorry)! I love that you are feeling it come back and are approaching it that way. I too have taken it seriously and I have lost 18 lbs and gained so much! I can run! I can bend over! I can tie my shoes! And I feel awesome! Congratulations!