Boredom Eating

Has anybody had good luck with overcoming boredom eating? I so far have not! The tips I've read seem easier said than done. Any success stories?


  • I'm in the same boat I can work out that day and stay within my food plan all day. Then I fall to sleep at night and wake up with this crazy feeling that I have to eat threw my sleep and sometime I'm un aware untill the next morning how much I have snacked threw the night bc I was half sleep the whole time I was getting up to eat something.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    When it hits, get up and move.



    And if it's late at night that the urges hit - turn the damn TV off and go to sleep!
  • I'm not sure I know what boredom eating is like you will just be chillen and relaxing. All of sudden you want to eat something or you want to just be doing something.
  • It's also habit eating. It's a lot easier to add a new habit than to try and resist the old. Lots of good ideas here. I also have to keep my hands busy.
  • Honest I get that way before bed time. I just tell myself that it will pass. But I know what you mean.
  • Some days I can let the feeling pass, others not so much. I went through a mega munching phase last month and kept air-popped popcorn around to keep me busy.
  • Have you tried chewing gum or brushing your teeth? The minty taste will stop you from eating and chewing gum could cure boredem. It works for me.
  • I would encourage you to be observant of your triggers. What I mean is, notice that you feel like eating. Notice what you feel in your body. And notice why. Give yourself the freedom to open the fridge and pantry while asking yourself, "Am I hungry? Or am I bored?" If you are truly hungry, eat! If you are bored, ask yourself, "What is something satisfying that I could do instead?" Focus on your breathing and acknowledge that it is just a feeling and it will pass.
  • jgnatca wrote: »
    Some days I can let the feeling pass, others not so much. I went through a mega munching phase last month and kept air-popped popcorn around to keep me busy.

    I do that too. I also will eat celery or carrots something that takes a while to chew
  • I get this while watching tv in the evenings. It is my unwind time. I get mints and sugar free suckers. It is enough not to go over calories but keeps my mouth busy. :o
  • Brush your teeth every time you want to eat out of boredom. Its something to do, there's no downside, and for me its both a physical and psychological barrier to eating. Physical, because it makes many of the binge foods taste bad (chocolate and tooth paste? No Thanks.), and psychological because you don't want to "dirty" up your "just cleaned" teeth.
  • You can crochet to keep the hands busy. That's what I do when I want to just relax at the end of the day. And a bonus is you can make stuff to donate like baby blankets or hats/booties for local hospitals.
  • drink water. squirt some mio or other water enhancer into it to give it some flavor without the calories. i am at a desk all day surrounded by snacks and unhealthy foods in the cafeteria so it takes a lot of will power! i know the water enhancers are probably loaded with fake sugars and other chemicals but you get a little flavor and the water can fill you up if you're not truly hungry.
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    When it hits, get up and move.
    Yep. That's the only thing that works for me!

  • It depends on when your boredom hits. At work I removed all junk from my desk drawers. When I feel the urge to eat I drink at least one full bottle of water. If the urge doesn't go away I chew a piece of sugarless gum. Usually this pacifies me for awhile, until I can justifiably have a snack or lunch. Evenings can also be tough. Part of that has to do with all of the junk food commercials on TV. For that I would suggest taping your favorite shows and watching them later so you can skip over commercials. Or walk in place while watching TV. Good luck! I know it is hard.
  • It helps me to come on here and read posts and reply to some.
    This is why I'm here right now!
  • Oh man boredom eating is my downfall; I just go on autopilot and stare into the fridge or pantry. Whenever I get the urge I have a glass of water or a cup of tea or some fruit (grapes work great for me) and that usually helps.