Just when you think you are doing well....

You see a picture of yourself at a party, next to a bunch of other people. You go "wow, I am really fat". The day before you may have been thinking how proud you were that you had been able to go shopping in your own closet and found three pairs of jeans you couldn't fit into before. Maybe you felt really good about seeing some small definition in your arms or being able to add ten pounds to your last lift. You are even getting very close to you first short term goal and being out of the "obese" category....
Then you see that picture, just a picture of friends....and there goes all your hard work, and trust me it has been hard. All you see now is how far you still have to go.

How do you combat this? What do you say to yourself or do to sort of trick your focus? Help please because when I see this, it almost...ALMOST....makes me want to give up.


  • nitaaaaa wrote: »
    I also happen to notice when I lose a little weight it comes off in certain areas that make my stomach look like it is protruding more, bc when I'm thicker it fills in the edges around my belly fat and looks more uniform. I try to remind myself of this and that it's actually a good thing and to keep going. Tho it's really hard when people keep asking if you're pregnant :(
    This I can definitely relate too! Seems like, as I lose weight, things get...well...squishier, before they get smaller. Some things even look bigger...which doesn't make sense, unless maybe you are right about it just being more "uniform". I feel all lumpy now LOL

    Thanks everyone for being able to relate in some way. I am not giving up, I just want this so bad that I get impatient and frustrated.
  • I know how you feel. Been there, still struggle with it. But when I have a bad hair day never for one moment do I consider just shaving my head. Well...maybe for one moment...but not really. Don't give up. It will make the days you feel like a million bucks so worth it.
  • I can certainly relate. It is just part of the adjustment process. All you can do is to keep moving forward, at whatever speed you are able to move forward.