Anxious about increasing calories after reaching goal weight

Hi all,
I'm rapidly closing in on my goal weight, but am starting to get very anxious about the prospect of increasing my calories once that weight is reached, for fear of just gaining the weight back. Do you all typically ease yourself up to a maintenance level or just plunge into it, and more importantly can someone just please tell me that they increased calories at their goal and did NOT pudge up again? I know I don't need to lose more weight once I hit the goal, but it's hard to get out of the mindset of not going above the reduced calorie limit. I'm relatively young (maybe? Late 20s. Very late 20s) and very active, so I'm sure I'll be fine . . . almost sure.


  • I've gone abruptly into maintenance many times. Although, the longer that I diet, the more I increase calories to slow the weightloss down, essentially reverse dieting the whole time I jumping into maintenance for me is only eating another 200 calories per day. No huge jumps on the scale....always within 2 lbs of the lowest weight and holding steady (I weigh in every morning).