He doesn't even know what failure is.

So I spent the day moving furniture around trying to find the best set up for my 3rd child to learn to walk in. Up until now we had been keeping him in a very contained play area where all his toys are he can crawl to each, and he was totally fine playing in his baby "jail" while I cooked dinner or folded cloths. But that's changing now, he's pulling himself up and standing, sometimes without holding anything, so the gates come down and the newly arranged living room is open so he can learn to walk. That's when it hit me, my son is better at failing than most of us. He doesn't know what failure is, thus he doesn't let the outcome of his actions be dictated to how much he fails. He stands up; holds himself up; legs give out; he falls signaling to his brain to crawl to the next area of the living room and than like clockwork picking himself up looking around trying to move than failing down again. He's ten months old so the probability for his muscles and balance to be ready for full steps in just a day or so though not impossible but is improbable. So as the last few days that he has been standing not once has he reached his goal. Even yet he so often failing so bad he can't get up right away and defaults to crawling for a second or two before getting back up. Imagine how successful we could be if we treated failure like a baby does. We skipped the gym the last few days and ate way to much while having way too many beers at the restaurant with friends, or we just self destructed and quit for a month or so and gained everything back. How ever we fail if we just remember that failure is part of success than we could save a lot of unneeded stress. We can allow ourselves to not acknowledge failure, and just remember to get back up. How can we succeed when so many of us get stuck when we fail. Which is why we fail at failure. We let the act of gaining weight after losing a bunch of weight ruin our self esteem. Destroy our drive and cripple our diet. We would rather give up at times than have to work through a plateau that doesn't seem to go away. We stink at failure, just about all of us. And why does it have to be a hill we have to overcome. It can be just part of the road we drive over toward the destination of success.
News flash we are all going to fail at this, but what are you going to do about that.
