Having a "cheat day"

Is it ok of you have a "cheat day"? I'm not talking about going completely all out and just over eating. Like having something that may not be healthy for you but in moderation.


  • I have stressed myself many times AFTER a "cheat day" my original dr recommended diet had a single "off meal" each week of anything expect fries food. After I started managing my diet myself it's been rocky but I must say it is very easy for a cheat meal to become a cheat day, a cheat day into a cheat week, etc. Just my opinion from experience.
  • When I was in the thick of my heavy weight loss, I preferred to budget my calories so that I could have a day when I treated myself. I always logged it and I stayed within my weekly calorie budget but that was the day when I would splurge a bit. Prior to this I had poor impulse control with baked goods and sweets and bread/pasta. So going several months with just having them on one day a week worked well for me. After a certain point I had kind of retrained myself and was able to add them back so that I have them throughout the week in reasonable portions.
  • Cheat meals trick the body that way you don't plateau
  • I have an off-plan day every week. Now off-plan, when I started this journey, meant I could eat whatever I wanted. The first two times I did this I had the worst stomach ache/upset EVER, so I toned it down to "you can enjoy one meal of non-plan type foods, meaning I could eat processed or sweet foods. This worked for about the first 2-3 weekends, but I still had a really angry tummy. So now, for the last two weeks, I've made it where I allow myself to eat 3 meals a day instead of the regular 5, but I find that I don't really WANT to go beyond my normal calorie limits. On average, instead of 1500 calories I end up eating around 1800, but I feel really full and think that even this is something I won't sustain, I end up eating on plan out of habit. It's personal I guess. For me, knowing I COULD cheat one day or one meal made the week easier to get thru in the beginning, but now that I haven't really enjoyed those "cheats" I don't really look forward to them or need them to get me thru. So, like some others have said, it's really about how you're eating issues work. If it makes you feel like you have some refuge, then incorporate a cheat meal/day... you might surprise yourself and find you don't really need it.
  • Cheat meals/days are why I'm here.

    For years, I was eating all right during the week, and often losing weight. Then on the weekends I'd eat whatever I wanted, and I'd gain back what I lost ... plus some sometimes.

    Slowly, slowly I put on 15 kg over 4 years.

    Now I'm trying to lose that 15 kg.

    Instead, I eat a variety of foods within my calorie limit. And if I want more ... I exercise for it.
  • I have something some people would consider "unhealthy" every day. I don't consider anything unhealthy if my overall diet is filled with nutrients and I'm hitting my macros. I would rather fit in cookies and chocolate daily, then have an unlogged, over indulgent cheat day every week. Even on my high day, everything is logged. I need the data so I can tell whats going on if I'm losing/gaining/maintaining.
  • if it doesn't go over your calorie count then why not. we all have to live and enjoy life, right? once in a while is fine; one bad meal won't undo all of your hard work but don't make a habit of that bad meal :)
  • Barbs2222 wrote: »
    That's everyday for me. I just try to stay within the calories.

    haha same here...chocolate everyday, pizza for breakfast today....
  • Saturday is my day for indulgence! I exercise every day during the week and have a 400 or so deficit a day below my goal amount and Saturday is my day for rest so my calories normally go over by 600-800. Still balances out overall for the week so I don't really care.

    Can see why some would avoid having a day like this though if you don't have the discipline to see out the rest of the week in moderation.
  • As a chocoholic I always allow myself a small portion in my daily calorie allowance (at the mo its 1 creme egg and thank you cadburys from cutting out the dairy milk chocolate saving me cals each day) as a treat. Probably once a week I have an indulgence day, I still track my cals but dont stress if I go over my theory being it balances in the long run. If I know I'm going to go way over (like my sisters wedding day) I try to do a longer run first thing in the morning and then just enjoy the treats.
    I dont think 'cheat'days are an issue so long as its not everyday. Think of it as a treat not a cheat, a pat on the back for doing so well.
  • It's ok whatever it works for you. I give myself s break once a week & eat something that is on my no-no list. I wont overeat & get Way too much calories, i feel sorry to ruin my progresa but i do need a break from healthy stuff only. Longterm looking its easier to keep going.
  • I eat all the things I love in moderation almost every day. I do understand the appeal of a meal set aside for indulging for those that find it hard to eat just one serving of something though. To each his own.