20 lbs down, full steam ahead

I've gotten serious about getting healthy. I went to a mom's group where a trainer from the YMCA said that our kids basically naturally do everything physically the right way for the first 2 years, but around 3 or 4 start modeling mom/dad's behavior. It really moved me to start getting honest about my diet and exercise. I have a 2 year old, so I needed to get going on it for sure.

I started either the very tail end of February or early March eating well and appropriate portions, and started taking him on walks in his stroller after work. I've lost 19 lbs, which is about a 7 percent loss for me. Obviously I have a long way to go, but I am proud that I am actually doing it this time, and it is working. I am using the app and fitbit, and support from my endocrinologist.

A volunteer in my office asked me what I had been doing lately for my allergies, since they seemed so much better. I told him they were the same. He said that they must be better because my face wasn't all puffy anymore. I got a good chuckle from it. He may have lacked tact, but it means that before long, the hard work is going to really be showing.

So hi there and hello. I am going to stop lurking and participate here.


  • This is exactly why I wanted to get fit. I have been off and on for a while now but my biggest victory is when I can go for a run with my teenage kids.

    They're fit...I'm fit.
  • Great job and keep up the good work!!