Not gaining once reached goal

I reached my goal weight and then surpassed it. I decided that that weight was unhealthy and I try to stick within a 5lb range. I uped my calories from 1200 to 1500 and ever since then I cannot stop eating!!!! It's crazy. I was hard and fast on my 1200 calories for over 4 months. The last 1.5 months have been such a struggle. I am notwpushing the top of my weight range and don't want to get out of control again. I seem to have an easier time losing weight over the winter/hholidays aND gain come spring summer. Any advice???


  • I don't know if 1500 calories is high or low - those seem like round numbers you just figured for yourself? Ask MFP to calculate your numbers for you, then adjust from there as needed.

    When I started adding back calories, what I added first was carbs - sugar, bread, etc. This was a mistake for me, because carbs make me hungry. I am NOT a low carber, but when I stick with <40%, then I am much less hungry. So not low carb, high protein and fat.

    Add more protein to your diet and see how you do. With me, eating sugar makes me hungry. Eating easy-to-digest carbs like pancakes makes me feel like I'm starving.
  • scoandmur wrote: »
    Even 1500 calories is a deficit for even fairly sedentary people unless you weigh 100 lbs? Honestly, go into your settings and change your info- you will get a reasonable answer from MFP on what your maintenance calories should be. If you are logging accurately, (weighing all of your food) then you should have no problem maintaining at the recommended amount- so long as your details are also accurate :)

    IDK. The sad, sad fact is that the Miffler-St.J equation (supposedly the most accurate estimate) gives me, as a 5'5", 131lb woman with a sedentary lifestyle 1560 calories a day to maintain. If I chop 5 inches off my height, but keep the weight, I have dropped BELOW 1500.

    Now, I am not a sedentary 5'5", 131lb woman, and my burn is around 2200-2300 a day assuming I keep up with my rowing doing the week and active weekends. But if I did nothing but laze around at home watching TV and have a desk jockey job, I'd be a sad panda, only allowed to eat between 1550 and 1600 cals.