
can anyome recommend an alcoholic drink mixture that isn't too high in calories??


  • gin and soda water with lime and/or lemon is my go-to DRANK
  • sugar free mojito. Tastes and looks special, cold and refreshing. I use white rum, club soda fresh lime wedges and some mint leaves, if the limes are particularly sour I add a little bit of splenda or stevia.

    That's the exact drink I had this weekend! I didn't need the sweetner, I'm sweet enough :-)

    I also make sure to measure my shots...keeping in mind that most shot glasses are 1-1/2 ounces so make sure you are aware of that when you're logging.
  • OP is 18... maybe not drinking alcohol would be the best drink of all for her!

    OP might live in a country where the legal drinking age is 14 (Germany), 16 (Portugal, Moldova, Denmark... the list goes on) or 18 (Australia and pretty much every other country in the world except America, Indonesia, and a few in South Asia/ Middle East). How about a little more thought and a little less judgement?
    I'm in London, so 18 is allowed!
    Thank you :)
  • I have had vodka and tonic this weekend and love it!
    Thanks for all the comments :)
  • Crystal light makes flavored drink mix. Their individual servings are 16 ounces and only 5 calories. They go great with vodka!
  • 1800 tequila with lemon juice on ice