really need a friend

I am 86kg at the age of 20years I really want to lose this weight but its so hard when I have nobody who can relate or motivate me:( I just need someone who really wants to lose weight at home. Food is the biggest obstacle for me as I get hungry just by mentioning it


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  • Hi it would be great to buddy up with you we all need that be of help and a push from time to time.
  • I have also been working out at home but I have found several recepies that are good and that a keeps me within my daily calorie expectation goal
  • It works a lot better if you can find a real-life weight loss buddy. MFP buddies are nice, but we tend to ignore them when we fall off the wagon.
  • Add me-- I'm 21 so we're close in age! :)
  • Feel free to add me; I'm 30 lbs down (13.5 kg) and 10 lbs (4.5 kg) to go!
  • kemro101 wrote: »
    I am 86kg at the age of 20years I really want to lose this weight but its so hard when I have nobody who can relate or motivate me:( I just need someone who really wants to lose weight at home. Food is the biggest obstacle for me as I get hungry just by mentioning it

    Add me x