Getting back on track after overindulging

I've been watching my diet since Christmas and lost 14lbs so far. I had a holiday to Lanzarote last week and decided to give myself some time out and eat and drink what I wanted. I've now returned and feel awful. I'm full of indigestion, nausea, trapped wind, feel sluggish and now have diarrhea. I know its self induced but I didnt realise the change in my diet would affect me so bad. Any advice on how I calm my system and get back on track. Thanks


  • Me, too. Last night I was like a crazy woman running around the house foraging for chocolate. Eventually I opened up the pinata I'd been filling for my niece's birthday and ate all the chocolate out of it. I wasn't physically hungry, just a horrible psychological binge. Massive carb hangover today - might as well have gotten drunk on tequila. Thanks for the tip, Looncove. I will try that next time.
  • Ugh, food hangover. Just get right back on track, treat yourself gently for a couple of days and you should be right as rain. :)