Be careful with MFP calorie estimates - don't work for everyone

My goal is to maintain my weight. If I eat according to MFP, I gain weight. If I eat according to My Tracks, I maintain.
MFP or MapMyRide consistently estimate my calories burned during a bike ride by 200% to 350%.
For example, I rode 41 minutes today, 16-20 mph, and MFP imported from MapMyRide that I burned 632 calories; MyTracks estimated my calories as 186. Both apps use the GPS in my smartphone, track the same distance, same time, and same speed.
Another day I rode 21 miles in 98 minutes, averaging 12.9 mph. MFP estimates my calorie consumption at 955, while My Tracks reports 403.
Another day I rode 21 miles in 120 minutes, averaging 10.5 mph. MFP estimates my calorie consumption at 877, while My Tracks reports 420.


  • My weight loss on MFP was predictable and as I expected when I cut the MFP calorie burn numbers in half.