Eating like a maniac while on vacation......yikes!

So I had my best friend from high school come visit me in Las Vegas. Of course SHE is stick thin as she has always been since 6th grade. I used to be just as flat stomach and thin as she. ( many years ago lol)
It was great to see her. But of course she is the thin type of person that eats anything she wants and does not gain one single oz of weight!
While here visiting me for a week she wanted to eat out all the time. And some places have great healthy foods like salads or grilled chicken. But then when we were in a hurry we'd go to get hamburgers, and of course had some drinks ( worst one is the big Slurpee type margaritas) ....
I consciously knew that the hard work I did the previous week was going to be totally wasted.
We tried to do so much that week that I'd be too tired to work out at the end of the day or to get up early.
So as soon as she left I decided to get back on MFP to really start tracking my food. I didn't want to do it while my friend was here because I knew I'd be horrified by all the cals, carbs and fats I consumed. Specially after paying $50 at a buffet. lol
Now I am really trying to fix my binge eating and try to stay on track. I'm doing much better. but the occasional urge for candy and such kicks in and I give in.


  • Oh my, I know what that's like! I just went on a 3 week dream vacation to Disneyland in California and Las Vegas a few months ago. It took us 9 years to save up for this trip so I was beyond stoked that my dream trip became a reality. I haven't been to those places since I was a child, so this was huge for me. Also, it was my child's first trip to both Disneyland and Vegas. We never ever leave our state. I didn't count a single calorie while on vacation and I enjoyed eating all sorts of yummy things that I don't have back home. Also, we visited family in both states and that always translates to high calorie feasting with the fam. Well, when I got home, I almost had a heart attack when I saw the number on the scale. I had gained over 10 pounds in 3 weeks! I didn't even know this was possible for me. So here I am again, back on MFP to try to undo all of that holiday damage. It's going to be a long road, but I'm going to take it slow and be as healthy as possible while on a very tight budget. At least I can say that we had a blast on our trip. Here's to our post vacation weight loss journeys! :smiley:

    Glad you and the fam had a great trip and you got to enjoy it!!! Makes me feel better that I am not the only one lol
  • Add me if you want. I can totally relate to what you're talking about Jessy. I need to get remotivated to lose these last few. It's not easy!

    It sure is not easy but it is possible ! I keep trying to remind myself that .
  • maasha81 wrote: »
    I never really count cals when I am on vacation simply because we do soooo much walking. I actually lost weight in Vegas and we had free buffet every day that week. I must day we only ate two meals a day and bf and I are not big on grazing on snacks.

    Nevertheless ...I don't worry about it as I am back to my normal routine at home. Vacations are meant to be enjoyed :)

    I did walk a lot!! I didn't even think about that :) I fill s tad bit less guilty lol
  • the same thing happened to me, went away for the weekend, too much eating out, nothing great either. Came home and I'm up a little. Now I need to work a little harder this week to get back to where I was. It happens to everyone, I 'm sure, but maybe next time I will make a few better choices and only splurge a little bit.
  • the same thing happened to me, went away for the weekend, too much eating out, nothing great either. Came home and I'm up a little. Now I need to work a little harder this week to get back to where I was. It happens to everyone, I 'm sure, but maybe next time I will make a few better choices and only splurge a little bit.

    I hear ya. But sometimes it just feels good to be bad! And to be honest I find myself being more active and eating more carefully now after the splurge . Now if I keep it up I might be able to see my goal sooner :)
  • Here's what I'm worried about...when we get back from our vacation, three days later I undergo surgery on my leg. Six week recovery. I don't know yet what exercise restrictions I'll be under. But just returning from an all-you-can-eat-and-drink vacation and then going right into surgery? Disastrous to what I've already done. Oh well. I did it once; I'll do it again.