Weigh in every day? Every week?

Hi folks,

Nice to meet all of you. I was wondering what folks opinions are on when to weigh in. I mean I guess its just "whatever works for you." I think I'll weigh every day just cause it makes me feel motivated.

Also, new here so if anyone wants to add me as a friend to help motivate one another that would be awesome :)


  • I weigh almost daily, track using Libra, but only post it when I get at least 3 days at the new, lower weight. I like to see the trends and find it interesting to note that for me at least it doesn't drop by small amounts--I'll hold steady for awhile and then just drop a pound or so at a time. I wouldn't be aware of this if I wasn't checking daily. I don't get discouraged not seeing the scale move often when I know how my body loses weight.
  • I weigh a couple times per week, but have one main weigh in day. I always do it first thing in the morning as my weight fluctuates by 3-5 lbs throughout the day.
  • jaqcan wrote: »
    I weigh every day, but I only log once a week on Saturday morning

    I do the same. I weigh every morning, but Friday mornings are my only tracking days :)
  • Since two months a weigh daily in the morning after having been on the treadmill for half an hour, and log it. I use to weigh myself ones a week but that was very discouraging ☺. This way i see a pattern and can act straight away.
  • Depends on your mental state in my opinion too....if your the type that will get obsessed by the scale, and have a breakdown if you see a 1 lb gain then I would not suggest weighing every day........once a week or 2 and doing measurements would be better......if your not obsessive then every day can help to give you an understanding of how your weekly routine affects your body......what patterns you can find in there and adjust later to help continue your loss......I myself eat loads at weekends....and my heavy day in a week is a Monday........so to fit in my routine....I work 4 nights a week...mon to thu.....every week.......I weigh every day during the week.......Mon to Fri I can lose 6 lbs........but it goes on again......most of it....by Monday.....then the cycle repeats.....so.....for me I weigh Mon to Fri.....I log in MFP on a Monday then the rest of the week I lose weight.....so that keep me happy and on track to continue.....then I ignore the weekends....and weigh again Monday.....I compare that to last Monday...not to Friday........and hopefully see my 1lb a week loss then......I used to log in MFP every 2 weeks as I think that's a true reflection of loss.....not a week......
  • I do weigh in everyday,
    Conscious of the fluctuations but as a reminder of what I'm aiming for !
    Good good luck !!!
  • Only once a week...otherwise I'd drive myself batty with the up and down fluctuations! LOL
  • Once a day at the same time is the one I count but I weigh myself several times per day. I'll even get up in the night to use the bathroom and jump on the scales. A bit obsessed I guess but it's what I like to do and it keeps me motivated.
  • I weigh every day. I find the natural, day-to-day fluctuations interesting and am not bothered by them in the slightest. I don't record on any regular schedule.
  • Every morning and at night