I'm down 50lbs and looking to help others.

Quick background: About a year and a half ago I was the biggest I had ever been in my life at 250lbs. I was fairly thin all my life but got married, had a kid and you know the rest. I didn't feel comfortable in my body, and I could barely recognize myself in the mirror. I went on like this for a few years until I got sick and reached my breaking point.

Long story short, I took control of my health through eating right, getting adequate sleep and also reducing stress. It came down to me envisioning the life I wanted to live and how I wanted to feel. Once I did that I started to implement healthy habits in my life and lost over 50lbs.

This app will help because it gives you a level of accountability especially when you have other people there to remind you of your goals. I'm new to this community but would love to help in any way I can, so feel free to add me and lets keep each other motivated.

Here's my transformation pic:



  • Wow incredible transformation, well done
    Thank you and wish you much success!
  • Awesome job! Please look into the thread I started about "caloric needs and metabolism" and give me some wisdom, please. I can use all the advice I can get.
  • Awesome job! Please look into the thread I started about "caloric needs and metabolism" and give me some wisdom, please. I can use all the advice I can get.

    Thank you! I definitely will do that. Which category is your discussion under?
  • Wow! That's incredible and so inspiring!!

    Thank you and wish you much success!
  • Great story! Congrats! I can relate to this in so many ways. Keep going & never give up!

    Awesome pics! I see you were also able to stick with it and achieve your goals. Keep it going!
  • Awesome job man . Im 6'3 was at my all time high of 261lbs I've started eating right doing focus T25 workouts every day . Im on my fourth week and have dropped to 242lbs so far . I feel the change more than I see right now . Feel free to add
  • That's awesome . This is day oneffor me. I havea vveryllongwwayto go

    Try not to stress out by how far you have to go. It's all about winning the smaller daily battles rather than focusing on the war. It will take time, but you should look to make a lifestyle change rather than following some fad or trendy "yo-yo" diet. In time, as the weight starts to drop, you will begin to embrace the journey and your entire life will be enhanced. Much success!
  • Awesome job man . Im 6'3 was at my all time high of 261lbs I've started eating right doing focus T25 workouts every day . Im on my fourth week and have dropped to 242lbs so far . I feel the change more than I see right now . Feel free to add

    Thank you! I'm also 6'3 and started at about 250lbs and now at 188lbs which is what I weighed in high school only I'm a lot stronger lol. Anyhow, 20lbs in a month is awesome, just continue to stick it out. There may be some plateaus along the way, but don't get discouraged when it happens, just take it up another notch. That's what I did, I floated around 215 to 220 for a few months without being able to lose anymore weight. I thought it may have been it for my weight loss journey and almost settled in. I then read a book about metabolic typing and I started to pay more attention on specific foods and how they made me feel. It was more than just calories in calories out. I took my diet up another level and switch up my fitness routine and boom! Much success to you!
  • Inspirational ... Add meeeee...
  • Great job! You look like a totally different person.
    I'm looking to lose between 20-25lbs and need all the advice & accountability I can get. Feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks!
  • Good job. I would definitely like as much tips n encouragement!
  • Truly inspirational well done x