Help me!!!!!!

Over the past 4 months I have tried and failed to lose weight. I have done it before which makes it even more hard because I know what expect. Before I was 218lbs then got to 160lbs, that was the first time I lost weight.... And now it has been super hard, Mostly because of the bad habits I have start (eating at fast food places 3x a week even getting the large size) so now my body is use to eating this way.... I tend to over eat a lot now which is I rocketed up to 214lbs almost to my first set begin weight. I don't know where to start anymore I feel so stressed out and I do not love myself like I used to. Getting up in the morning sucks because I cant find anything great to wear that will fit me :'(:'( . My jeans won't wont even get close to closing. I feel like crying every morning, Which makes me turn to food and over eating. I wish I still had the will power to do this. I don't know what I need support? More motivation?. I just really don't even know where to start I really want to lose at least 20lbs before my birthday in September. Can someone help me? Give me some advice on how to start again something that will give me results......feel free to add me :( ...


  • thank you all for the great comments I have been doing great for a week now. I am still working on my workouts I am still trying to walk. Yeah its been hard but I really do want this. I have used Myfitnesspal with my first weight loss journey and it was great and really helped. I am going to be very dedicated this 2nd time around especially maintain my weight when I get to my goal. THANK YOU all for the great advice I know I need to kick my rear into gear!! I understand I only have one body and need to keep it in great health!!!
  • One more suggestion. Go to a thrift store (or new, if you can afford it) and buy clothes that fit. Box up the ones that are depressing you for later. Keep that box somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of what you are aiming for.

    There is no point in feeling bad about yourself every morning. It doesn't motivate you. It sucks the life out of you. If you feel better it will be easier to eat better.

    Then you can look forward to wearing clothes in the box as the new (to you) clothes get looser.

    PS: I applaud your cheerful, no-nonsense, mature response to the straight talk you got. I hope I can be that wise about advice.
  • awnurmarc wrote: »
    One more suggestion. Go to a thrift store (or new, if you can afford it) and buy clothes that fit. Box up the ones that are depressing you for later. Keep that box somewhere where you can see it and be reminded of what you are aiming for.

    There is no point in feeling bad about yourself every morning. It doesn't motivate you. It sucks the life out of you. If you feel better it will be easier to eat better.

    Then you can look forward to wearing clothes in the box as the new (to you) clothes get looser.

    PS: I applaud your cheerful, no-nonsense, mature response to the straight talk you got. I hope I can be that wise about advice.

    Wow, I really love this advice! I mean, think about it, you are starting each day off thinking you are a failure. You are playing a part in this story that you have created in your mind that you can't lose the weight again...that you've gained the weight back.

    I think wearing new clothes that you fit in will help break that cycle...take you out of the mindset of that tape playing in your head that today will be the same as yesterday and the day before that.

    Time to write a new story! I am actually excited for the new life that will unfold for you. You can do this! :)

  • sandryc79 wrote: »
    The compassion and supportive nature on these forums never fails to surprise me.

    Look, we're all adults. (At least we're supposed to be.) Compassion doesn't get the pounds off. Being disciplined and taking accountability for yourself does. Motivation and support doesn't get you off the couch. Sorry, but it doesn't. Accepting the fact that yeah, I'm tired and just want to pig out, but that's not going to get me to my goal, does.

    Straight-talk doesn't work for everybody. I get that. But for some people, patronizing just isn't going to cut it.

    ^^ that

    i don't baby my children, I'm certainly not going to baby internet strangers.

    The truth is hard. It's not personal.