Over the past 4 months I have tried and failed to lose weight. I have done it before which makes it even more hard because I know what expect. Before I was 218lbs then got to 160lbs, that was the first time I lost weight.... And now it has been super hard, Mostly because of the bad habits I have start (eating at fast food places 3x a week even getting the large size) so now my body is use to eating this way.... I tend to over eat a lot now which is I rocketed up to 214lbs almost to my first set begin weight. I don't know where to start anymore I feel so stressed out and I do not love myself like I used to. Getting up in the morning sucks because I cant find anything great to wear that will fit me

. My jeans won't wont even get close to closing. I feel like crying every morning, Which makes me turn to food and over eating. I wish I still had the will power to do this. I don't know what I need support? More motivation?. I just really don't even know where to start I really want to lose at least 20lbs before my birthday in September. Can someone help me? Give me some advice on how to start again something that will give me results......feel free to add me
