Are you afraid to weigh yourself?



  • Yes, every day. But I also feel like I can keep a closer eye on things that way.
  • I get very nervous right before I weigh myself every Friday morning
  • I weigh myself multiple times a day. I don't worry about the fluctuations though. I like seeing how what I eat and drink affect the numbers on the scale.

    I think it's easier to see the weight loss when you weigh often. You'll see when you have a new low that you've never hit before. A couple days later that loss may disappear on the scale because of water retention from the food you ate, but you know you didn't get fatter. A lot of people prefer to weigh once a week, but that can sometimes be frustrating because it's easy to gain a few lbs in water weight which hides your fat loss.
  • I was, back when I was in denial about my weight. I refused to own a scale for the longest time.

    Now I weigh religiously every morning. I even weighed myself in the medic's office on the cruise ship when I was on vacation. I am not nervous. I have even learned to keep track of how much I am or am not peeing to have a rough idea of how much water I am retaining. Then I am not surprised when I weigh 3lbs more/less today than yesterday. My weight always hits its lowest point about 2-3 days before my period starts. Once I have a new low, the next spike up tells me the rag is on its way. Zzz. Weighing in is interesting and fun.