Anyone want to join me with having a 'dry' May?

Looking back through my diary since January, there is one major thing holding me back and causing me problems, Alcohol! Even being fairly careful and only having a few beers and then moving onto spirits with no sugar mixers can cause me to add a full meals worth of calories to the day and if I'm hungover the next day I end up overeating as well (I lose the will to cook and an almost medical need for greasy food). I have tried cutting down during the week to make up for the weekend (my diaries open if you want to see what I mean) but I'm not feeling it's quite worth it.

So starting from the 4th May, I'm not going to let one drop of alcohol pass my lips and see how that affects my weightloss.

Anyone with me?



  • I failed already. I had a Guinness on Saturday.
  • I failed already. I had a Guinness on Saturday.

    Me too. I failed during the fight that was so boring.

  • I need to do this too, peeps. I'm sure the alcohol is sabotaging my weight loss. I'm going to attempt it though. Might be difficult because my birthday and Memorial Day are in May, but there's always something no matter when. Cheers!
  • I failed already. I had a Guinness on Saturday.

    Not failed, just a minor slip, giving something up always comes with a few hiccups along the way (taking as an ex smoker).

    I drank on Saturday as discussed, felt all day yesterday feeling rubbish, ate too much (including a Chinese deep fried take away) and still feel quite rough today! It can't be worth it.

    Good luck everyone!
  • I did it for lent. Good luck!
  • So game for this, just need to get my friends and family on board before they taunt me with the devil that is beautiful bottles of red !

    Good luck everyone, we can do this! :smiley::D
  • After tomorrow ! Will give ot a try!
  • I've stopped buying cases of wine to fill my open display wine shelf.. During the week I relax on the couch with a glass then another then snack or chocolate to go with! A bottle of wine (or 3 glasses) is 600+ calories! Then add the snacking! I haven't noticed much weight loss,since I've cut it off during the week but I have been feeling better in the mornings ;0)
  • Haven't had any alcohol since January 9th! It's a lot easier than I thought it would be since a lot of my social life revolves around happy hours, bars, and clubs. I've found its so nice to go out and stay out late but wake up in the morning after a nice little sleep in and be able to get to the gym and have a great work out! I feel better than I ever have in my life!
  • Day 4 and one weekend down... how is it going for everyone?
  • I don't drink... does that count lol. Well maybe once or twice a year.
  • I'm in for this!... got a LOAD of social events, and my weight loss is doing nada right now, despite some (fairly) strict logging, and booze is usually the culprit... so would be great to manage to go to social events and not feel the need to have a drink! :)
  • Just one day for me since I started yesterday, May 4, but no problems so far. I'm strangely determined to see this month through without touching a drop of alcohol and see how it affects my weight, and well-being. It's bound to, since I don't make good food choices after I've had wine, and tend to skip workouts the day after. I'm psyched about this! Good luck to everyone who's joined this challenge!
  • Coming in late, but I also haven't had a drink since May 2. We can do this! Honestly, I don't think I've had a full month without any alcohol since going to college, so I'm excited to see what this does for me.
  • Late joining, but also aiming to have an alcohol free May, and haven't had any since 3rd May.. It's not going to be an easy task, since I looove real ale and make an event out of going to lovely pubs and drinking superb beers - but usually that's coupled with a meal out/the diet failing the next day.

    I've already turned down a trip to a beer festival this coming weekend ;)
  • So far, so good. Of course, there's always the weekend. :S
  • YES! This is a huge part of my problem!! I've been working on losing weight since January 2014.. I've been stalled for about 6 months, partly attributable to alcohol! Lets do this!
  • Nope but thanks for the invite.
  • Given the hangover I am trying to recover from, I'm in.
  • poppatha wrote: »
    I am so up for this! Also because I am "that" drunk much alcohol rage >.<

    Me to im in