Divorce is killing motivation....

I'm 44 and going through my 1st divorce...
It went from mutual and civil to really messy almost over night....I love my kids more than life and just found out my wife has to move out of state for a legitimate better job offer. I can't deny her or my kids that opportunity. The depression of not being there for all the laughs, tears, scraped knees and dances is killing me inside...how does a person stay focussed during a time like this?


  • m0nster, I feel for you and wish you the best of luck. Stay strong. While my situation isn't the same as yours, i too am faced with deciding to divorce, yet we are both here in the same state and still living together although in separate rooms. Any way you slice it, it sucks. It actually hurts deep inside. what I can say is that remember your happiness is a choice. Everyday you wake up (with that sour gut feeling) make the choice to have today to be a happy one. Pick yourself up and force happiness. Soon enough waking up happy will be your new normal. It takes time, but each day it will get better. I love the ideas of using technology to connect. That will bridge the distance for the time until you can relocate. God bless you, stay strong and make the choice to be happy.