Motivation and Support
Hi I just posted this in my feed and decided to reach out to hear stories from other people on this site. I was just wondering have any of you been in a situation in your life where your weight gain effected your relationship? I remember years ago when I was at my thinnest probably around 130 pounds I gained about 10-15 pounds. So I went from being very thin to medium size I guess. Anyway my boyfriend at the time would not stop complaining about it and gave me a really hard time. He made me feel really self conscious and unattractive. After we broke up I eventually ended up gaining a lot more weight which what got me up to 180 pounds which is where i was when I started this site and now Im at 150. I guess now that Im getting closer to my goal I have a fear that when I start dating again what if I gain a some weight back and end up disappointing the person Im with. I feel very confident that I will be able to keep the weight off this time but I am worried about maintaining it. Has anyone been through a similar situation? I understand attraction is very important in the beginning but I think after you fall in love and have been with someone for a while their personality is whats the most important. I wish people were not as shallow as we are. Im almost afraid to start dating again, knowing that someone will be judging me and sizing me up based on my apperance or that they will make me feel bad or will want to leave if i don't look perfect. I would like to know what you guys think about this.
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Thanks for commenting everyone, made me feel better. I guess im not alone. Yeah i def agree with every last comment. Its a complicated ussue. U should def be with someone who appreciates ypu no matter what but at the end of the day we do live in a society where looks matter. As women we have high standards to meet. No matter how hard we may try most of us will not look like victoria secrets models but we have to learn to put that aside n have confidence. But yeah its hard to feel that way for some people.
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