Going to lose 87lbs but I can't do it alone, looking for some friends

This will be the second time I am going to lose this weight. The first time I went from 209lbs to 133lbs in 7 months just by exercising and eating very clean and using MFP. I got with my hubby and 3 years and one baby (after 3 pregnancies lost) later, I am back up into the 200s, at 222.4 lbs as of this morning and looking to get down to 135 lbs by doing what i did three years ago, eating clean and exercising. I currently am healing from a knee surgery but I will be exercising as much as I possibly can. As of today I will be logging every bite I take and all activity I do. I need accountability friends, I have done this without accountability friends before, but to me friends make everything better. :smiley: I am ready to do this, no excuses, none at all! Anyone want to join me?


  • Also looking to lose about 70 more pounds! Would love some more motivation!
  • I'm working on requests. Lol my laptop has this big *kitten* crack in the middle of the screen thanks to my kids. I just got my table in, i just have to pick it up at the post office, hopefully that will work with mfp.
  • I would like to join also, I am looking to lose about 80-100lbs. I need all the help I can get.
  • I'm 224 lbs and looking to lose 60lbs so I'm in
  • How about we do a weekly challenge with this group?
  • I have such a long way to go it seems. I need to lose eighty pounds. I have five kids and I'm short, plus I have PCOS. One day at a time, right?