Ladies...lets talk period calorie intake

so do yall find it a lot harder to stay on track with your calories during that time of month? I think it's a universal thing for women, so what do you do to keep it under control?


  • No changes for me, surprisingly. I do have a more annoying sweet tooth but I have better workouts during my TOM so I have no regrets satisfying it with some dark chocolate. Mmmm, dark chocolate... *Homer drool*
  • I do get cravings for carby things - and I read thats it's due to lower elevels of serotonin at that time. I try to work a higher amount of carbs into my daily allowance.

    I used to be very good for most of the months and then give myself free-range to binge for at least a week with the excuse of 'oh, it's TOM'. Then I realised that having a 'excuse' does not magically remove the calories - so I have to euther compromise on weight loss that week or just suck it up. For the the last few months I have sucked it up and lost weight during my PMS week.

    Its 'that week' right now- and I've hidden the snacks....... wish me luck!
  • No, I don't eat any more than usual or get cravings for anything in particular. I'm just a sad grump in the couple of days before :P
  • I crave salt or sugar or both. I usually want chocolate covered pretzels! Why can't I crave protein? Why?
  • I crave salt or sugar or both. I usually want chocolate covered pretzels! Why can't I crave protein? Why?

    Yeah I never crave protein. Typically carbs and fat, like pizza or an Italian sausage sandwich or something... typically not sweets either, even though I'm totally a sweets person. It's odd.
  • OH my gosh, yes! It's physiological for me. My body literally switches gears. During the rest of the month, I have pretty good willpower. But during the 3 days before aunt flow, my cravings kick my butt. It's exhausting. So this month, I'm going to have some sugar free chocolate pudding and maybe some skinny cow ice cream treats on hand to stave the cravings. Wish me luck... :s
  • I do get ravenous a few days prior. It seems to be about 3 days of higher and more intense hunger/cravings. I usually will eat 300-500 additional calories on those days.
  • Tbh I haven't seen mine in a good few months.... where the bugger did mine go? Pregnant am not :neutral:
  • fishshark wrote: »
    I go nuts the week before my period. I eat EVERYTHING in sight especially high carb foods and chocolate. I also get weird cravings. It's insane and usually means I weigh 2-3 pounds heavier during that time of the month...

    yup! the week before its like I'm preparing for hibernation. carbs carbs carbs.

    This just about sums it up for me. I thankfully I only go overboard for one or two days, then I'm able to get myself back under control. I just try to move more and watch what I eat for the rest of the time and it works out.
  • Chewitz wrote: »
    Tbh I haven't seen mine in a good few months.... where the bugger did mine go? Pregnant am not :neutral:

    can become irregular with weight loss, have you been losing?
  • Chewitz wrote: »
    Tbh I haven't seen mine in a good few months.... where the bugger did mine go? Pregnant am not :neutral:

    can become irregular with weight loss, have you been losing?

    Yeah lost 9lbs in total 4 lbs since starting here... Not quite sure what happened. Will book an appointment with the doctor
  • Chewitz wrote: »
    Chewitz wrote: »
    Tbh I haven't seen mine in a good few months.... where the bugger did mine go? Pregnant am not :neutral:

    can become irregular with weight loss, have you been losing?

    Yeah lost 9lbs in total 4 lbs since starting here... Not quite sure what happened. Will book an appointment with the doctor

    Since I've been losing, I get the damn thing every 2 weeks, and that's on the Pill. It's driving me crazy. I start a new pill next week so hopefully that will make things more regular. I don't crave things differently, but I do retain water during.
  • yep always hungry i guess body needs more fuel for more hormone function? i try to stop myself but i usually end up eating something fatty for a few days and then its over around day 2. i tend to get cravings so i now exercise more on those days to balance it out!
  • I tend to gain a few pounds right before and then make a sudden drop right after. As for eating and cravings? Maybe a few days/the week before? I've noticed a cyclical "binge" (no, not an unhealthy binge, just a few days in a row where I'm in the red a bit) reoccurring every month around that time, so it makes sense.
  • Me, me, me!

    There's times I can stick to a decent calorie goal & other times where I binge, binge, binge.