Hi all,
I have been on MFP for a while, well I guess I have taken a leave for a bit, but back at it....AGAIN. So in the past , lets say, month, I have been doing quite a bit of inner life seeking and a lot of this is me dealing with the things I eat. I have watched a few documentaries such as, GMO OMG, Food Inc. and Forks over Knives- All which were eye openers for me.... I have now gone and transitioned to vegetarian and slowly going to make the transition to being Vegan. I'm looking for a life with clean eating, bettering the earth and knowing that I'm not taking part in harming animals. By clean eating, I don't mean, sub out regular Coke for Diet Coke. I'm looking for ideas that use real food. I want to limit processed foods, so as being a vegetarian and not eating hotdogs, I don't want to eat some highly processed hotdog that is "vegetarian/vegan" with a list 10-20 UN-pronounceable ingredients. I would rather do with out the stinking hotdog!
With that all being said, I was wondering if any of you had any great vegetarian/ vegan recipes that you are willing to share with me. I want to have the healthiest, tastiest, filling change of live that I can.
Thanks for reading my piece and taking the time to leave a comment.