weight loss plateau

Could anyone suggest how to overcome weight loss plateau.. Am working every day hard to reduce my weight.got stuck up at 87 kgs not able to reduce it..help needed!!!


  • Try HIIT (5 times/week) !!! that's definitely kill my weight loss plateau to my own experience.
  • Why do i gain weight during dieting

    because you eat more calories than you burn
    start weighing your food on a food scale and log all your food so you know how much calories you really consume.

  • Why do i gain weight during dieting

    You are either consuming to many calories or taking in to much sodium within some of the foods you are eating which increases water retention in the body
  • 2 weeks is not a plateau
    You can't say you eat 1000 calories because you don't actually know how much of any given food you are eating since you don't weigh it. It's just guessing.