Diabetic/hypertension/high cholesterol-restricted lifestyle STINKS!

I've had diabetes for 14 years. Hypertension and high cholesterol came as part of the package. Essentially my carbs are restricted. Can't have too much sodium. Or excess dairy or fat. This goes beyond a "diet" or lifestyle; my food choices affect not just my current health, but am at risk for a host of other diabetes related complications, if I am not careful with what I eat. Basically anything that is remotely tasty is off limits. Choosing meals is a complicated formula of x # of carbs - sodium < x grams of fat = tasteless food.

My weight fluctuates constantly, usually going up, rather than down. I lose weight and then get comfortable and gain it all back.

I'm so tired of trying and failing.



  • I tend to be repetitious too. Sometimes it's easiest when deciding what to eat. I'm trying to expand my horizons.

    Hubby and I are learning to eat meals low in cholesterol. Because my meals have to be low carb, low sodium, and now low cholesterol, it's takes out many high fat foods. It's not easy and requires more conscious choices, but I haven't died from the effort. I'm not as hungry as anticipated. I'm still a work in progress.

    Thanks for the encouragement!