So frustrated with myself

I was doing so well in my journey, managed to drop from 161lbs to 137lbs (well on my way to goal of 120lbs). And then I slipped up. I stopped going to the gym, I stopped logging, I slipped back into old habits and shot back up to 144lbs. During this time I also had my anti-depressants (trazodone) doubled, put onto new anti-psychotics (amisulpride) and went back on my depo shot and I'm just so frustrated that I let myself slip up. And just how easy it was. I'm now back on it, but finding it harder to get back into my groove. Sorry for the post but really needed to vent, and my friends and family just don't get the struggle I have.


  • Hi was wondering how you are getting on?
    Medication for the last 2 years and giving up logging and gym has lead me to weight gain. I'm now trying to lose but have concentrated on adding exercise for the last month - that I going strong but no weight lost. So now it's time to stop snacks and start logging.

    Would appreciate support and friends who understand the reality of anti-psychotics and mood disorders.
  • You slipped up and have acknowledged it early enough that you didn't gain all your weight back. Kudos on that. Just brush off and keep plugging along!
  • wwstewart wrote: »
    A while back I had dropped a pretty fair amount of weight. And then...I got a cold. And I gained it all back plus about 15 lbs. We all slip up. The question is: are you going to give up? You don't necessarily have to find the same groove you had long as you're doing something to work towards your goal. Even tiny changes can make a huge impact.

    Shoot me a request if you like! You've got this!

    This is exactly what I needed to read.