The struggle

Hello Everyone,
My name is Harmony. I posted in a forum earlier about how I was becoming discourage because I wasn't seeing results on the scale. It wasn't until 4 weeks ago that I started to take my health serious by eating clean and working out. I still struggle from time to time but for the most part, eating clean is slowing become my lifestyle. I've have only lost 2 pounds and that was very discouraging because my goal is to lose 30 Pounds. I avoided taking progress pictures out of fear of being disappointed. Today I gathered up enough courage to take some pictures and I am proud to say I am seeing results!!! So my encouragement today is to keep working hard and not to depend on the scale as motivation to keep going. 0rdi0slteg0h.jpg


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I really appreciate all of your kind words and advice! It has helped me so much with this process