30 day shred

Hi, I've just started the 30 day shred today (this is like my 10th attempt) , I never make it past day 10, I just lose motivation. Just looking for anyone else doing the shred :) or anyone looking for weight loss buddies :)


  • I started the 30 day shred yesterday. I thought Jillian was trying to kill me! lol I've got my hubby doing it with me starting today. I read something about rest days. How often are we supposed to do a rest day? The hubs was thinking about doing mon-fri and resting sat-sun. Is that too much rest time?
  • I need to get back into doing it! The longest I go is 6 days, then I stop.
  • Hey how's everyone getting on with the shred? I've started level 2 now, and I'm finding it much harder than the first level, I'm having to follow anita and do the modified exercises.
  • Hello! I just finished day 5 of level 1! Feel free to add me :-) I also had horrible calf pain and had to take a day off yesterday, but I'm feeling great today. Good luck, everyone!!
  • I am on day 5 of level 1. On day 3 I thought I was gonna die afterwards, my right thigh hurt so much all day that it was hard to walk. I was thinking I pulled something but it felt much better on day 4. Maybe I just didn't stretch enough, who knows. I will say I think my endurance is getting better but the cardio part is still kicking my butt. Literally, with the butt kickers! lol

    I am feeling stronger and am finding that working out gives me more mental strength to stick to my calorie goals. When I felt an urge to eat something bad yesterday I tried a couple of things, waited for the urge to pass, drank some water, and reminded myself how hard I had to work for my calorie burn.

    My short-term goal right now is to get into the pants hanging in my closet. I can get them on, but they are a little snug for professional wear. Come on 30 day shred!!! B)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Hey! I started this with one of MFP buddies and we are on level 2 day7. It really does help to have a buddy! I definitely feel stronger. I love the pendulum lounges, but hate....HATE the chair squats with v flys. They do make me feel good after I am done though. I use 8 lbs for some, 5 for most exercises, and 3 lbs for this chair squats/v flys. Sometimes I even alternate arms if it is particularly tough. I don't like to do more than three days in a row before I take a break, and if I am particularly tired, i do 2 days then brake. She also has another Dvd that you can select the circuits individually depending on what you want to work. Some days I add a couple of those circuits on the end of 30DS.
  • I've just started the Beginners Shred, I'm on day 4 of the first workout :-) I love Jillian Michaels, she's awesome!

    Finding it more challenging than I expected, my arms feel like they're going to fall off by the end of the workout!