10 by June 10 - GAME ON!

Let's keep this game going ladies! We all have been a great help to each other over the last 10 weeks!
10 POUNDS by June10th! This means you can take up to 10 weeks (1 lb/week) to do it. Let's support each other. :)

And for your handy information:

1 lb/week = 10 weeks from today - Wed. June 10, 2015
2 lb/week = 5 weeks from today - Wed. May 6, 2015

CW: 155

@huango @faelight @jlkermode


  • Happy Monday!

    It's been a very slow and frustrating wk for me! No change in weight and if anything, I am extra bloated due to my cycle starting soon. Just ugh.

    My win for the past week was sticking to my diet and making the right choices, even through the weekend and even at a restaurant!

    My goal for this week is to continue with my eating focusing on macros!

    Nice work everyone!! Your changes motivate me to trust in the process and keep at it!!
  • Everyone's doing so well!

    so I've been hiding because I'm NOT doing well.
    No will power, no thought to what I put into my mouth.
    macros schmacros.

    I WILL take back control.
    It started tonight: no night-time snacking=day 1.

    BUT tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo ==> margaritas after Zumba tomorrow night.
    Yes, I've already pre-logged it.

  • I'm in.... I weigh in tomorrow so I will repost!!! Kinda excited because I need accountability especially with my food
  • So as I promised....
    SW 167 ( April 7)
    CW 161 (May 5)
    Lose 10lbs (151) by June 5
    GW 145

    I believe I am progressing well... Also with school ending next week I plan on upping my workout schedule. What I am proud of the most is the fact that I can walk up and down stairs now. I have had 4 knee surgeries and recently been recovering from my last two. Good luck everyone! Have a great week!
  • Oh dear, no loss this week. I hate no loss weeks! But if I'm completely honest with myself I have been very slack this week. I think it's some kind of mental thing as I don't have much more to go. I slipped into my old ways a bit! So I've got to get my head back in gear. Definitely deijavous! I'm sure I've said this before haha.

    Height - 6ft
    SW 5th Jan - 187

    Weekly weigh ins

    1st April - 161
    8th April - 160
    15th April - 158
    22nd April - 157
    29th April - 155
    6th May - 155
    13th May -
    20th May -
    27th May -
    3rd June -
    10th June -

    GW: 153

  • So it's Thursday and I am writing a post to keep myself accountable for the next couple days!! This week has been a huge struggle due to my cycle starting and a couple incidents where, out of nowhere(!!!) chocolate chip cookies attacked me!! :#

    And I was so fatigued and dealing with cramps, I didn't make it to the gym since Monday. But today I WILL be responsible and make healthy food choices and get a workout in!

    Btw, it's a lovely warm spring day in NYC and I just have to say- my favorite NSV is being able to wear a skirt without stockings and NOT having your thighs run together and give you a painful rash. I used to use a non-friction gold bond stick to put on my thighs, but they don't rub so much anymore!! Yay!!!

    Keep up the hard work everyone!! It's almost Friday!!

  • I'm in too!!!!!!!!!!!!
    38 yrs
    5' 7"

    SW: 177
    CW: 175
    GW; 150
  • I have been so slack the last few weeks. I haven't logged, I haven't been to work out as much, nada, zilch, zero. Too many guests keep coming and I get caught up in the fun that I forget to log and stay up too late to make it for workouts. I MUST TAKE CONTROL. I can do this. I know I can. Now, I am off to find some motivational signs and post them everywhere around the apartment to my phone to my work space etc. Going to get out in the amazing NYC spring weather and tackle my bad habits.
    jlkermode wrote: »
    ... and a couple incidents where, out of nowhere(!!!) chocolate chip cookies attacked me!! :#

    Btw, it's a lovely warm spring day in NYC and I just have to say- my favorite NSV is being able to wear a skirt without stockings and NOT having your thighs run together and give you a painful rash. I used to use a non-friction gold bond stick to put on my thighs, but they don't rub so much anymore!! Yay!!!

    Those silly cookies! I hope they didn't attack too much :wink: That painful rash...that's me.

  • Feeling awesome from this morning's workout!
    Deadlift: 5x5 ~135#: woohoo! I'm coming back!!!

    Love the feeling I get from lifting.
    Then when I get home, I just want to eat healthy stuff, like make my green pina colada: full of protein and nutrients!

    Let's rock this!
    We can do this!!!

    yay on doing stairs.
    wow: 4 knee surgeries. I had 1 ACL replacement; can't imagine 4.
    You'll be running around in no time.

    I hear you about slacking.
    You've been doing great, so a little break is good.
    Let's re-focus.

    @jlkermode : Jamie: hahahha
    My thighs will always rub. That's why I don't wear corduroys. :)

  • I'm in...one day late, but I'm in!
    CW: 144.4
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    what an awesome idea!

    Age: 43
    Ht: 5'5"

    CW: 168
    GW: 158
    UGW: 145
  • I'm in too. I leave for my cruise to Bermuda June 21 where hubby and I are renewing our vows so this is perfect for me.

    CW: 138
    Awwww, congrats. I got married in Bermuda. good luck with your goal.

    CW 160
    GW 150
    UGW 145
  • IN! Baby #2 will be a whole year old on June 8th. SW: 172, CW: 135, GW: 130. Let's get after it!!