My 10 week carb cycle progress.

edited March 2015 in Success Stories
its been a right 10 weeks ! Carb cycling really messes with one mentally that is used to eating high carb meals every day. But it is by far the BEST way to lose fat while retaining muscle with a hard workout routine.
Simply: carbs are high on days where you workout the biggest muscle... Medium and Low on smaller muscles and no carbs on non workout days. Here are my 10 week results! 2 more weeks to go!
Start: 229 14-15% Body fat
Currently: 210 8.5-9% body fat
^^ my starting weight
^ this last picture is what one looks like after waking up after a NO carb day, for those following a carb cycle, you are not small you are just depleted of glycogen. One looks flat.
Still have lower belly fat to lose! But this is the power of carb cycling!


  • Wow that's not only sexy, but inspiring. Way to go!
  • Love your expressive eyebrows! Very awesome results! I carb cycle too! It really works well!
  • Getting ripped! Keep it up big guy