Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Group

Hello MFPers,

I’m a neuroscientist in the process of setting up a voluntary online study examining the influence of diet on the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. I’m reaching out to the various diet/nutrition application sites to see if there is interest in such a project. It would be ideal to have a group of individuals diagnosed with CFS, as well as group control group without CFS. That means essentially anyone could participate. The idea is quite simple if you already know how to use a diet tracker. In addition to tracking your diet we would have you fill out a questionnaire (or two) designed to assess your symptoms, or lack of symptoms, and also track the symptoms if possible in your platform. The data would need to be shared with the study organizers in order to calculate both individual and group results. If there is interest I will explain the project in more detail.

Happy tracking,


  • I too, have not been officially diagnosed, My doctor is leaning towards CFS and Fibromyalgia. It doesn't seem to be a priority for her to make a diagnosis, but it is for some reason very important to me to have a "name" for what I have going on. I can tell you that after years of not being able to lose weight and every time I have tried to exercise I find myself laid up for weeks... I have decided to try something different. I have cut out all bread, all white potatoes and most rice. I am eating mainly gluten free (I say mainly because sometimes I eat breaded chicken if it is the best option). I can't say I'm strictly low carb - I eat some fruit, I have sugar in my coffee, my salad dressings, and sauces... I've lost 21 pounds in the past month. I also find that the lower carb intake I have, the less gluten I eat - the better my joints feel, the more manageable my fatigue is (not always, but usually), and the better I feel. My exercise consists of my daily living exercises, an occasional set of squats while doing dishes, and stretches and movements while in bed. I may never be thin, I may never be athletic... but I hope to feel better. Each day... my goal.
  • Hi I've been diagnosed for years with cfs,fibromyalgia and connective tissue disorder happy to help :)