Success Stories
First NSV can't believe I did this!
So every year on the 28th of March I am very depressed because my mother passed away suddenly on this day. I have felt very sad, angry and conflicted for so long. Today was the 12 year that she has been gone and I decided that I can no longer feel so angry so I decided to go outside of my comfort zone and I signed up for The Color Run for me and my 7 year old daughter.
I didn't know really what to expect. I was nervous and even a little scared. However by the time we got to the second Color of blue all fears and anxiety were left behind. I had so much fun and I completed my first 5k today in an hour and fifteen. ( We had to stop for a few selfies. ) But yes we did it. Now I am completely hooked. I hope you all don't mind me sharing.
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I'm sure your mother would be so proud and smiling away. Nice idea. I'm sure your daughter loved it.
Awesome! Careful, they are addicting!
(trippy to read, because my Mom passed on the same day March 28..11 yrs ago...small world)
That's a great story. Thank you for sharing!
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