Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.)

Hello! I am new to this website and have recently started to take control of my B.E.D. Are there any others on here that have dealt with this eating disorder that have helpful hints & tips? Or just a friendly soul to chat with occasionaly? :smile:


  • I am glad I found this. I have had issues with binge eating for over a year now. Today I went to the doctor to discuss all my anxiety, depression, issues with the overeating/gaining weight, etc. He diagnosed me with BED. He is starting me on an anxiety/antidepressant to see if it helps and go from there. I know my eating has underlying issues... but no one I know personally has ever had experience with this. of course, they are like "yes, we binge too"....but not to the point of a disorder... where its out of control and you feel out of control.

    I would love to have friends to talk to on here about this. I did join the group mentioned in a post at the beginning. hopefully, we can all get the help we need!
  • Ive been a binge eater my entire life. Trying to get things under control now but its hard. I feel bad though seeing my boyfriend watch me do it. Its so hard to stop though. If anyone can be motivational, add me
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    xandralaw wrote: »
    OK - don't laugh - but my trigger is going home - so what do I do? not? lol Its really a stress factor and that there is just so much at home and i escape with the food - so stress management i guess? Not really sure how to do that. My schedule allows for so little time for myself its very challenging.

    My suggestion and what has helped me is to make short term goals. First purge all your trigger and binge foods. Then set the goal to not binge for 3 days. At the end of the 3 days, tell your that if you REALLY want to binge that you can, but you have to make it thru these 3 days first. At the end of 3 days, I bet you won't want to binge and therefore say I'll go another 3 days or 2 days, keep going like this. During this time eat healthy fats, and satisfying foods, but not your trigger/binge foods. At the end of all of it, if you want to binge, binge, but the next day start over. You may find your binges are coming farther and farther apart.

    @newport3158 I read this when you first posted it and thought, this is some awesome advice! Then I read it again, just now, and I think my head almost exploded! WOW, this is huge to me, I feel like it opened up something inside my brain in a different way than when I previously read it. Guess now is time for me to actually put into place your suggestions of setting out to do 3 days no binge method. When I have 'no binging' as a goal, it seems like this huge vast amount of space in front of me (rather like not having a goal at all) and I panic a bit after awhile wondering when I will fail.

    Having a small amount of days to focus on and commit too instead... it feels far more do-able like I will actually succeed.

    I love this and love you for sharing what's been working for you, I feel like I just opened a treasure chest with a map inside!! <3

    Thank you so much!
    Warm hugs,
    Hearts <3
  • Agree! @newport3158 - this is fantastic advice! Thank you for sharing.

    For me another thing I do is when those cravings for trigger foods come in, I don't give in but I don't restrict 100%. My therapist has been working with me on avoiding restriction as it will lead to bingeing. So if I am craving a whopper for some reason, I don't go eat a salad. I'll make my own whopper. Or have it at a real restaurant - not fast food. Most of the time the ingredients are much better and since it is a slower process to get/make, sometimes the craving will pass or I won't need to binge on it. It gives me time to focus on the food and make a decision to allow myself to have it. That is the control piece that the binge takes away from us.

    Welcome to @morganxxdang and @Amberh82 !! I sent you both friend requests. There are a lot of awesome people in this thread for support so I suggest scrolling back and sending out requests. I've build a nice little support group for myself mostly from this thread. Good luck and keep in touch!!
  • Hello! I have a longgg history of disordered eating. I suffered from binge eating disorder growing up, became anorexic in my teens, was hospitalized, starting binge eating again, gained lots of weight, then became bulimic... and was hospitalized again. The only thing that got me out of the rut was the support of my partner and a wonderful therapist. I could not have done it alone. I still binge, but it's very very rare. And I haven't purged in over a year. Give yourself time to get better and try not to make yourself feel too guilty. You'll have to completely change your relationship with food, but it's definitely possible :)
  • I haven't binged in awhile. I think giving into a craving helps, at least for me. In the past I wouldn't give in for about 4 days and then the next thing I knew I would give in and multiply that craving by 20. All my control would be lost. Now if Im craving something, I honestly just try and eat it because I know if I don't and I restrict I'll end up paying for it later. The true balance of understanding when to give in and when to not give in is key. Right now I'm struggling with how to drink alcohol and not have that lead to a binge.. It's getting better but it's all about changing your mindset about food
  • The good: I've got a candy dish full of hershey's kisses on my coffee table, and I've been able to limit myself to 4 a day. Before I'd probably be drowning in wrappers and regret after eating the whole bowl. So I am getting better with moderation.

    The bad: I still can't regulate myself around pizza unless it's homemade or a frozen pizza. I've told my fiance (who works at a pizza parlor) that if he's bringing home a pizza he has to make sure it has toppings that don't like so I won't eat it.

    The ugly: I have been having binge issues on weekends. It seems like during the week I can do amazing, and then some kind of switch gets flipped in my head and the weekends end up becoming a free for all. I've gotta figure out how to deal with this, because while I haven't been gaining any weight, I've been stuck at the same weight for over a month and it's kind of upsetting.
  • Thank you for posting this I battle with it myself...I would love more support :)
  • I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(
  • CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    I'm so glad you found this thread! I think each of us were meant to find it as almost everyone shares how good it feels to not feel alone anymore. I can relate to what you've shared... it does feel like an out of body experience. It's like my mind shuts down and the eating continues... it helps to hear others describe it this way. Yes and the frantic feeling, being in a frenzy looking for something to get a fix.

    I too find that eating smaller meals throughout the day has helped me to control it more. I'm trying to be more aware of what my triggers are and realize each time I do this..there are consequences to my body. To my mind as well as I too feel the shame you're speaking of. I'm working to love myself unconditionally so to feel shame about my behavior goes against that.. ..yea, I'm still a work in progress. ;)

    Hearts <3
  • CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    This is exactly how I feel, It also helped me to set alarms for meal times. I set my phone to go off at 7,9,12,2,4,6 and try not to snack in between.
  • CiaraFit21 wrote: »
    I'm glad I've found this thread, I'm glad i'm not alone... My binging has been out of control for about a year now. I lost 45 pounds, and starting eat what ever I wanted since I was at my GW. Last summer I put on 20 pounds in a month, I binged almost everyday...Now I still am on Day3 binge free. I can do really well for a few days, then all of a sudden I start thinking about junk food, Starts out "okay just have the two slices of toast and peanut butter you'll go over but not by much" then as soon as a scarf that down my mind says "screw it! the food is so good keep eating" then I'm frantically finding anything sweet or bread like...It's like i'm out of my body..I can't stop while I'm doing it...2 hours later i'm done I lie in bed and pass out and wake up the next day as if I had a hangover.

    One thing that has helped me though is spacing out my food throughout the day and always saving 200 cals or so for after dinner for snacks. I big trigger for me too is going out for dinner, or going to a family members when they are cooking or a special occasion. I hate myself for the shame and guilt, and nobody in my family understands. Its a daily struggle :(

    This is exactly how I feel, It also helped me to set alarms for meal times. I set my phone to go off at 7,9,12,2,4,6 and try not to snack in between.

    That's a great method :) Glad you found the thread @Alexisfish08