30 lbs lost!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!(:

When my mother passes away in Feb. of 2014 I was just feeling awful. Even though that was the worst thing in the world and I wish it would never have happened one good thing did come out of it. I started going to the gym more as a way to deal with stress and in a matter of a few months I was able to loose 30lbs!! I'm still working at it I have hit a few bumps in the way but I was able to maintain it and now I'm hoping to loose a bit more!! If you need motivation or want someone to talk to feel free to add me!!(:


  • Most people do the opposite. I'm glad you could gain something positive out of such a difficult loss. Congratulations!
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. :( I lost my dad this past winter and pretty much did the same as you. :smile:

    I'll send you a request.
  • Sorry to hear about your loss. Will send a request
  • It's difficult to lose someone, but it's even harder to find a healthy way to deal with it. I'm definitely sending a request.