5ft -5ft 3 ladies how much are you eating?

i am 5ft
was eating 1200, stopped losing
doing 5-6 days of HIIT Burning 150-300 calories per 25 minutes
increased to 1400 now losing again.

whats everyone else doing?


  • To add to my post: Why doesn't emoji work on the forums!? And 400-800 per day is super unhealthy.
    Mamapaul76 wrote: »

    I am recovering from going to low and forcing my body into a brief starvation mode. I was at 1600 cals and lost 12 lbs in Jan then stopped losing, so I went down to 1200 and didn't lose a bit from mid Feb all through March. I work out 3-4 times per week. An hr of hard cardio then I do abs and arms on machines.

    My coach has me at 2100-2300 cals right now and I seem to be heading in the right direction again. I was up 5 lbs last week but seem to be down 2-3 from my plateau weight this week already.

    Just a warning to be careful not to go too low. It can play tricks on you. I literally didn't feel hunger but ate because I knew I should. My hunger is back now and hopefully my metabolism is kicking back in.

    i had been on 1100-1200 for around 5 months and lost around 30lbs. then i stalled. i did not realise i needed to fuel my body and not deprive it. today i ate my exercise cals back and when i am not exercising i dont eat the activity cals back. so far so good. the scale finally shifted today. i had been eating at maintenance for 6 weeks to get my body sorted and now i am eating at a 250 deficit per day since i have 16lbs to go. glad u all love the fitbit! if anyone wants to be friends be sure to add me

  • 5' 1" and 143 pounds, 54 years old. I have my calories set for 1200 calories, but I eat back most of the exercise calories I record. I record about 3/4 of the exercise time I get. If I tried to stay at 1200 for long, I'd constantly be hungry and grumpy, but I seem to manage it on days I get little to no exercise. I'm losing about .5 pounds/week now, but I'm relatively happy with how I look and feel right now so I'm not in a rush to reach my goal.
  • 5"3, 103lbs, 32 years old. Light exercise in general, occasional intense exercise. I eat around 1200 calories a day and am losing slowly. Some days I have 600-700 calories, other days 1600-1850. And I don't eat back exercise calories, and I'm super accurate... Been counting literally every day for 20 years, so I'd better be!
  • I'm 5'2", currently 101 (!!) and lose .5 pounds a week at 1330. I do Pilates on an apparatus machine once a week for an hour, and then do a HIIT + Pilates + strength-training class twice a week for an hour. I also walk a ton.