Updated pics and success story. 100 lbs lost

edited March 2015 in Success Stories
I started my journey in January 2014 due to the dr telling me I was diabetic. That did not sit well with me. I thought how could I do this to myself. So I started a diet. I just wanted to control my sugar. Now I've done many diets in the past and failed them all. This time I realized that diets won't work. It got to be a lifestyle change. So I began exercising and learning as much as I could about health. The biggest slap in the face I had was when I realized that all my poor decision making had effected my son. He no longer wanted me to get up and play because I had said no so many times in the past. All due to being unhealthy. Now he just wanted to play video games. The tables have turned and I now have to pull him off the couch to be active. Hopefully I will soon undo what I have done. I am now a very active person. I am an avid runner and participate in many 5k's. My current weight is 175 which was my original goal but now Im thinking I want to drop another 20. Anyway thanks for reading my story. Maybe it will motivate someone to create their own. anjn6v9wvvs7.jpg


  • Congratulations on the changes you've made
  • Congratulations on the changes you've made
    Thank you so much.

  • You look incredible! It looks like you lost way more than 100 pounds, and you look 10 years younger. Keep it up!
  • You did an amazing job, very inspirational. I have a 100 lbs to lose as well, well 85 lbs now.
  • Amy3935 wrote: »
    You look incredible! It looks like you lost way more than 100 pounds, and you look 10 years younger. Keep it up!
    Thank you so much
  • miker2077 wrote: »
    You did an amazing job, very inspirational. I have a 100 lbs to lose as well, well 85 lbs now.
    Thank you so much. And good luck to you. If I can do anyone can