Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bri170lb wrote: »

    Guess who drank a gallon of water yesterday and logged all her food! This Gal!

    I wish there was a like button on here - so many of you have such inspiring posts!


    I LIKE your inspirational post.

    Keep up the good work!


    Great job,agree with the like button
  • bri170lb wrote: »

    Guess who drank a gallon of water yesterday and logged all her food! This Gal!

    I wish there was a like button on here - so many of you have such inspiring posts!


    I LIKE your inspirational post.

    Keep up the good work!


    Awesome job Brill- keep up the great work!!!
    Like button too!!!!
  • For today, I will:
    1. Log all my food
    2. Prep my breakfasts/lunches for the rest of the week
    3. Weigh myself in the morning. I have been avoiding this, as I haven't been very active, and haven't been limiting my food choices.

    I did this all yesterday - sad to see that I've put on 2 lbs. I knew I was over eating... but holy cats. :( Onward, though.

    JFT I will:
    1. Drink 36 oz of water
    2. Stay under calorie goal
    3. Make my step goal (10,000 steps).

    Excellent job to everyone else who made their goals yesterday! :)

    1 day at a time. You've got this!!!

  • Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Boot camp was very challenging last night as we went outside for our work out. I still can't help wondering what the workout would be like if I didn't have the extra 40lbs. I'm considering taking a break from the scale and just using the tape measure for my waist. The #s on the scale can really bring me down some days.

    I will track & pre-track what I will eat later today.
    Add lemon juice to my water (thank you kwfitgal!)
    Walk for 45 mins regardless of the rain.
    Bake for a church luncheon! Chew gum while baking??
    Stay in control.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.
    you made me laugh. I have a drawer dedicated to gum, a flavor for every craving :-)

  • Today I was able to zip and button 3 pair of jeans. 4 weeks ago I could not get them over my thighs. Today is a good day! :-)

    1. Drink 100 oz of water :-)
    2. Complete PT exercises :-)
    3. Ta I e a short walk if back up to it :-)
    4. Don't overdo so not to aggravate back pain :-)
    5. Make healthy food choices :-)
    6. Control stress level :-)
  • bri170lb wrote: »
    Just for today ( Tuesday )
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    2. Exercise 1 hour :smile:
    3. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:

    Just for today ( Wednesday May 6)
    1. Walk outside if possible. 1 hour. I may have to canoe down the street - we've gotten rain nearly every day for weeks!
    2. Stick to 1200 calories
    3. Do housework and laundry

  • Morning all!

    The sun is shining - it's another new day to take responsibility for working towards my goals.

    Just for today, I will:

    Drink my water bottle x 4
    Stick to my pre-logged foods
    Go to the gym straight from work

  • Good morning!

    Just for today (5/6):
    1. Log every crumb
    2. Stay away from processed foods. No extra sugar!
    3. Be grateful and have a positive attitude no matter what gets thrown at me today! ( this is a tough one lately!)

  • Just for today (5/6), I will:
    1. Stay within my calories!
    2. Stop eating when I feel satisfied - even if I'm eating healthy food.
    3. Take time-outs throughout the day when I breathe deeply and calm down.
  • just one today I will ask for help with the personal things - that introvert in me has been extra loud recently.
  • Just for today 5/06

    I will

    1. work out for AT LEAST 30 minutes
    2. stop focusing on my gain and think about what I need to do to lose
    3. drink 4 bottles of water at 17 ounces each
  • Today I was able to zip and button 3 pair of jeans. 4 weeks ago I could not get them over my thighs. Today is a good day! :-)

    1. Drink 100 oz of water :-)
    2. Complete PT exercises :-)
    3. Ta I e a short walk if back up to it :-)
    4. Don't overdo so not to aggravate back pain :-)
    5. Make healthy food choices :-)
    6. Control stress level :-)

    Awesome news about the jeans!! Keep up the great work. :)
  • For today 5/6
    1) Work out for at least 30 minutes
    2) No more chocolate
    3) No more cheerios
    4) Be more optimistic
  • (New here... Hi!)

    Just for today I will not go to Starbucks on my lunch break for my usual latte, and when I get home from work I will not binge on dinner...

    There. Set in stone now... (hopefully that helps)

    Those are big hurdles for me.
  • JFT
    I will get in a 45 min walk & do some floor exercises.
    Drink 8 + cups of water (some with lemon).
    Want to gradually get away from drinking iced coffees.
    Read something inspirational.
    Continue my search for a puppy. Looking for a nice walking companion & family pet.
    Prepare for the weekend-I'm going to try tracking everything b/c I tend to slack off on the weekend.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • Im going out and just run those 7 km as planned.
    I will log everything i eat and finish my day under my calorie goal!!
    Just for today!!
  • Today:

    1. Go to Zumba on my lunch break
    2. Go to swim practice after work
    3. Don't eat the free pizza at the office for lunch :)
  • What a great thread!
    Ok, just for 5/6:
    -Be kind to myself by staying away from refined sugar
    -60 min on treadmill - see how far I can go!
    -Stay under calorie goal
  • Good day everyone... Great goals for the day :)

    Just for today I will

    ~ get through at least 60 mins of circuit training with heavier weights than I normally do.. going to try for 90 mins but it's not imperative.
    ~ 8-9 glasses of water
    ~ Log every single morsel of food
    ~ Keep my sodium levels down.

    That's it for me today. This thread is wonderful, I find it really helps me to focus on the things I need to accomplish "TODAY" and not worry about tomorrow and next week, month etc... Very helpful as far as keeping my mind where it should be... on what I am doing right now!!!! Love it :)
  • JFT...
    1. I will utiluze my coping skills to eat healthy and work through my back pain without comfort food.
    2. I will drink some calming tea to help keep me relaxed.
    3. I will keep a positive attitude.
    4. I am in control of my actions
    5. I will eat healthy when company comes for dinner tonight (my food is ready to go).

    I am feeling a bit weak minded today, the pain monster is Waring me down. I have much to do and little back power to accomplish it. So it's one task, one meal and one moment at a time.