Just for today --- daily commitment thread

This is a continuation of a thread I started a thread late October, and another one in January and February, to try to stay on track, "JUST FOR A DAY".

We have had over 500 replies each month, so I am going to restart this each month. This has helped me tremendously, to start each day new. It has kept me going, and to keep on trying, one day at a time. And, I've met some wonderful friends along the way! Reading others goals for just one day has given me so much inspiration and goals to set for myself.

If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time.

So each day I am going to post what I would like to accomplish. While I post my "Just for today" list, I am also going to post how I did the day before, so I am accountable to you guys as well.

Would anyone like to join me!! I am always so encouraged reading others goals, and together, we can all reach our goals for 2015 and beyond. I hope to keep doing this, starting a new thread each month.

March is a new month, a fresh start!

To bookmark this new thread, just click on the little yellow star. That book marks it, so you can find it easy. When you go to post again, to the right at the top of your page is a bell, a star, and a little flower. Click on the star, and it will show your book marked threads.

Anyone can join!



  • I've been using MFP for years but never the community section - just found this today and am a HUGE fan!!

    Just for today - I'm going to drink a gallon of water

  • Welcome! You've come to a very nice group of supportive people--hope you enjoy it here! :)
    Also, wow--your doctor actually had the good sense to tell you to get healthy! That is almost unheard of in this day of doctors who would rather prescribe medications. You are lucky to have this doctor, and in some short bit you will be feeling great and so proud of yourself. Keep coming back!


    Thank you so much. I already feel so empowered being here and learning so much about true, healthy weight loss. Yes I feel so lucky to have my doctor as I've had doctors who've pushed diet pills in the past. This one is most certainly a keeper and admits that she too finds it a struggle to keep herself as healthy as she can. Apparently she's been a junk food addict in the past. It's nice that she understands.

    I look forward to getting to know people here and learning from everyone.
  • Had an issue thats taking me to New York today so my goal is to
    -Try to make the most healthy choices possible
    -Log everything i eat
  • I don't know how to do the quote thing :)
  • Just for today, I will;

    1. Continue with more water, less diet pop !!!
    2. Lift weights
    3. Eat more veggies.
    4. Keep and spread a positive attitude !!!
  • Finally - got here in the morning.

    1) Go food shopping - Whole Foods, Garden of Eden, Associated (maybe)
    2) Meditate 2 minutes
    3) Log my food today
    4) Take it easy after completing a 40 mile bike ride yesterday
  • losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 05/03
    1. Drink water :(
    2. log :(

    Wasn't the most successful weekend. I don't feel like I go overboard like I used to. I just get busy, and things come up and logging just doesn't seem to be enough of a habit for me. I will get there eventually. The next few weeks will be difficult as my dad is coming this week, then Mother's Day, then the beginning of what we refer to as the "Birthday Time" My two kids and I have our birthdays spread out approx two weeks apart, stuffed in between Mother's Day and Father's Day. It's quite a crazy time for us. If I disappear from here, someone please pull me back because I am going to need this desperately.

    Just for Today 05/04
    1. log
    2. exercise
    3. take time for some pampering tonight
  • For today and the month of May -- have more consistency in my daily calorie intake!
  • YolliB2014 wrote: »
    I don't know how to do the quote thing :)

    Along bottom of whoever's post you want to quote is a quote symbol with "Quote" in blue. Click on that (from within the person's post)--it will copy the whole quote of the person into your new post box at the bottom of the thread. You should see something like:
    [ quote="person's name" ] at the beginning of the quoted post, then the content of the person's post, and then
    [ /quote ] at the end

    So, you can then delete any extraneous info you don't want to quote with your backspace or delete keys. To add on your own comments, you'll want to type after the 2nd [/quote]. Hope that helps.
  • YolliB2014 wrote: »
    I don't know how to do the quote thing :)

    Just click on quote at the bottom of a post and then scroll down below the quote in your reply box and start typing.
  • Thank you Vicky1947 :)
  • Thank you kwfitgal... I'll definitely give it a try.
  • Love this! And since I'm coming off of a weekend where I kind of gave up due to holidays and celebrations (UG! Why does everything have to celebrated with food and alcohol?!) - (I've always been pretty awful at setting and completing goals :(. Maybe starting small is the key).

    So just for today 5/4/2015 I will:
    1. Track everything I put in my mouth
    2. Drink water with every meal
    3. Go to the gym with my son after work.
  • I didn't log my food or post anything on the weekend but I did better than I typically do with food and beverages but not as well as I had been doing last week.

    Just for today I will...
    1) Drink 64 oz of water
    2) Log all my food and drink
    3) Go to sleep before 11pm

    I am going to keep focusing on these three since they led to a wonderful 2lb weight loss last week!

  • Sunday:
    Going to spend most of the day driving to a dance fitness event, so both food and steps are a little up in the air....
    1. 12,000 steps :) 12,039
    2. dance! :smiley::blush::smiley:
    3. try to have reasonable dinner out :neutral: Uggg...I always feel terrible after eating out

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. lift heavy things
    3. less than 100 G carbs
  • I did OK again, until evening came. But I was so physically active the entire weekend, so I did OK with my calories. Summers are so busy for me, and I stay very active. Just wish the scale would move, but, I am trying NOT to look at the numbers, but instead on how I feel.

    Thank you so much for the suggestions on lemon with water. I am trying that, so hopefully it will help. but I am trying to break up the water throughout the day. 2 glasses with each meal time I can do - and before I know it, I have 8 glasses of water done!

    So Just for today, May 3rd, monday
    1.Be sure and log my food! This is something I have been terrible at, so I need to get back to logging. I know how important this is.
    2. Drink 2 glasses of water with each meal, and 1 glass of water between. That will equal my 8 glasses!
    3. get out and walk. This has been easier for me to do now that the days are warmer!!

    And - a big welcome to all new people! We have the greatest group of people on here! Everyone is so helpful, so encouraging, so inspiring. Losing weight, emotional eating, sugar addiction, are hard to overcome and be successful at. But if we break it down to just one day at a time , somehow it seems more manageable. I use this site not only for the good days, but to express my frustration, failures, etc. To get great tips - like using lemon with my water, or substitutes for soda.

    And I do not feel alone when I do this. So thank you all for your posts and inspiration to all of us!
  • For today, I will:
    1. Log all my food
    2. Prep my breakfasts/lunches for the rest of the week
    3. Weigh myself in the morning. I have been avoiding this, as I haven't been very active, and haven't been limiting my food choices.
  • Thank you for starting this "JUST FOR TODAY" - I most definitely need this motivation and after reading some of the comments, I will definitely adopt some for change.

    So, Just for Today (although it's 3:35pm):
    1. Workout when I go home (I use the Leslie Sansone DVD and walk 2 1/2 miles in 25 minutes!)
    2. Drink 2 glasses of water with each meal (starting with dinner tonight)

  • Just for today I will not not not go over my calorie limit
  • Getting back on track after the weekend...

    JFT I will:

    1) Log everything, even little bites
    2) Jog a mile
    3) Not have ice cream after dinner!! Dang, I really didn't want to put that one on my official JFT list because even though it's 2:30pm I am already wanting ice cream after dinner....but it's on here now so hopefully I will stick to it!

    Good luck everyone with our goals for today :smile: