11 lbs difference - Not at my Goal but on the way!

Hello, my name is Erin. I have been on myftinesspal for a number of years and have used it casually prior to the past year. Growing up I was an active kid who participated in dance, volleyball and other activities. I ate whatever I wanted because I figured hey I'm tall no one will be able to tell.. (I am 5 foot 10).

I went to university and didn't gain the freshman fifteen, but managed to maintain due to walking most places on campus and off. When I got back home after my first year of university in the summer of 2013 and I felt really lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do, who I was and slipped into a depression. It wasn't until I got a job (randomly) at a local gym where I started to perk up a bit. I met my current boyfriend at the time and was flying high. I fell in love with fitness, lost 15 pounds bringing me to my adult low of 150 lbs. I had a trainer, I was active and in love with my body and my life. Then I was moved into the sales department, I crashed. I wanted to inspire people but instead was forced to treat people as if they were just a contact. I hated it and I chose to sabotage all the work I had done at the gym. I quit suddenly, and started packing back on the weight. I gained 25 pounds in four months. I didn't care. I was 175 lbs, the highest I had ever been and just didn't care.

After a year of maintaining that 25 pound gain (January 2014), I took a couple pictures (see below) and had a wake up call.. I need to do something this is ridiculous. Now when I was working at the gym, the weight seemed like it melted off like butter, it was easy and food was just fuel. This time around, food was my comfort, it wasn't so easy to say no to the things that made me feel better about myself. 2014 was a year of body hate, with clothes on no one noticed the difference in weight. Sure my face was a bit bigger, but no one could see my shame. I hated my body and with that I fed into my comfort food. I would cut my calories for a few days then crash. Nothing was working.

Start of 2015, I decided this is my year. This is the time to fall in love with myself again, to set up a reasonable deficit, forgive myself for bad days and keep pushing forward. I will make not only weight goals but fitness and wellness goals as well. I will create the body I want through love and health. I have lost only 11 lbs between the two photos, but inside I feel so much pride because those 11 lbs were lost from running, yoga, and not sacrificing what I love to eat, just being reasonable. I am not done, I still have a 5 K to train for, and hope to lose another 15 lbs, and try getting back into heavy lifting because I loved it when I worked at the gym but looking at those pictures I finally feel proud.

TLDR - Sorry for the long post =) Just happy with results.


  • emill4697 wrote: »
    Awesome results!!! Can I ask how many calories you're eating? We're the same height (I'm heavier than you are tho) but I'm not seeing results very fast. Thanks!

    Hi sorry! I haven't checked this in a while. Honestly I have tried to stick around 1700-1800 calories a day, and I workout and I am active. I took a bit of a mental break for about a month, and ate closer to maintenance but I am back at it now losing 1 lb per week until I hit 160 lbs, and then I will slow my loss the closer I get to goal.
    I took up running, and now I don't pay as much attention to the scale and instead focus on how I feel and my fitness goals.
    It is so easy to get frustrated when the scale isn't moving, but trust the process, weigh your foods and find something you love to do! It makes it so much easier when you have something else to focus on other then that pesky number.
  • Great job! My Current goal is about 150 lbs and I'm only a couple inches shorter than you. It's so refreshing to see how good you look even though you aren't quite there yet. It gives me hope that I just gotta keep going! Thanks for sharing!