I'm in Runner's World!!!

edited February 2015 in Success Stories
I was recently featured in the Runner's World - 'How Running Changed Me' column. I'm very proud of this and wanted to share with all of you. Keep on keeping on MFP community!!

RW.JPG 170.2K


  • Congrats!!
  • That's so great - congrats!! You look amazing!
  • Congratulations! Awesome work!
  • Awesome! What a great recognition of your accomplishments!!
  • Such a great accomplishment!
  • Thanks all :) I really appreciate it.
  • Wow, fantastic work! Congratulations!
  • That's badass!! Congrats dude!!
  • I read the article...how cool!! You've got to be SO proud!!

    I've been walking quite a bit and ran for the first time a couple weeks ago. Not far, not long, and haven't repeated it yet (mostly out of fear I think). Question for you--you said to join a running group. How did you find the right goup? I've looked on Meetup, but they all seem to be remarkably serious and I am afraid I will not be able to keep up at all. Any suggestions?
  • Wow! Very inspiring! Nice job. :smiley:
  • @Virkati If you live in or near an urban centre try asking at your local running speciality shop about beginner running groups; some shops have their own. If you have a largish running event like a 5k or 10k in your area often there'll be "prepare to run the _______" groups that start a few months before. Ask around, you'll get lots of local suggestions.
  • mwyvr wrote: »
    @Virkati If you live in or near an urban centre try asking at your local running speciality shop about beginner running groups; some shops have their own. If you have a largish running event like a 5k or 10k in your area often there'll be "prepare to run the _______" groups that start a few months before. Ask around, you'll get lots of local suggestions.

    I live in Denver CO so yeah, duh, I totally should've thought of that!! Thank you for the nice response. I'm looking into it right now!
  • @Virkati I had good luck with meetup.com. Don't be so intimidated by how serious they are. Runners are super helpful and just cause they put a lot of miles in doesn't mean they're fast. I'm always happy to do a short loop for new runners and then head back out for the rest of my mileage. Another popular group is Moms Run This Town. They're everywhere, varied levels of runners, and super supportive. Good luck.