Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!

Hi there, I'm 42 and looking to lose 100+ pounds (made it to 80 pounds 3 years ago and then gained half of it back) but I want to do it the "right" and learn how to "eat to live, not live to eat". I am addicted to food... it's my own personal brand of drug and I am looking for people who want lose weight eating healthy and tasty foods. I would love to share tips and tricks you've found work for you. I love looking at people's daily diaries and seeing wonderful sounding meals that are filling but still satisfy your hunger. I am tired of being obsessed with food and although I realize that right now that obsession is a necessity (I need to plan things out or I end up making excuses for eating the wrong things), I eventually want to know instinctively what's ok to eat and what's not ok to eat. I'm not saying a doughnut once in a while as a treat isn't "ok"... but I don't want to spend my precious calories on crap all the time. If you're looking for a friend who is willing to support you in your successes and even more so in your "ooopses", add me and let's do this!


  • For anyone interested in figuring out calorie burns from different activities, this calculator uses all your pertinent info... age, weight, height... It's the best estimator I've found.
  • Thanks @MischelM! Very informative!
  • @bregalad5 great job on finding a place.

    @MischelM Happy belated Birthday

    @Hippychick5983 Great job on losing 15 pounds

    @ptkat28 I try to stop myself form getting on the scales every day but it's hard. Good job on the 2lbs!

  • I am needing to loose about 100 lbs and will definitely need the support. Anyone is welcome to add me!!!
  • Feeling really ashamed atm having lost nearly 5 stone I've gained it all back and another stone on top :( not having a good day
  • I am looking to loose 150 pounds. This is day 1 for me, add me as a friend and we can share our successes.
  • Hi everyone...I'm new to the community posts and this seems like a great place to start. I too would like to lose 100 lbs. After having two kids back to back and no time for myself, I've let myself go...a lot!. I was following MFP a few months ago...religiously in fact, and had lost close to 30 lbs, but sadly, i fell off the wagon and gained 10 back :-(

    The good new is, is that i've chosen today to be my starting date...i've decided to climb back into the drivers seat and do what i can to get to where i want to be. Im excited to start this journey again.

    I would love your support, encouragement and any added tips or tricks to help me reach my goal. I will offer you the same in return and look forward to making new friends along the way.

    Lets do this!!!! :blush:
  • Wow, this thread has been going on for a long time! It definitely helps to have support, especially from unbiased people on here. I've lost 50lbs so far but need to lose this last 30-40lbs to be healthy for trying for a baby.

    Does anyone on here have PCOS?
  • Wow, this thread has been going on for a long time! It definitely helps to have support, especially from unbiased people on here. I've lost 50lbs so far but need to lose this last 30-40lbs to be healthy for trying for a baby.

    Does anyone on here have PCOS?

    What's PCOS?
  • Today was weigh in day for me and I've finally lost 10% of my body weight--that was my first goal! I'm still a long way off from being done, but it sure helps to have a great day to motivate you to journey on!

    @Jeanine_Colavecchi , I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and have been battling the symptoms a LONG time!
  • @melkithall: Gratz on the 10% That's awesome!!!

    @ all the new peeps... WELCOME!!! We're happy you're here and feel free to add me if you haven't already!

    @helend78: I know it sucks when that happens... I've been there and my guess is that most of us here have also gone through it. What you need to do is remember that you are human and we all slip and slide through this crazy thing called life. I'd like you to do something for me... Go to a mirror and really look at yourself and who you are, not just what you see physically. Then tell yourself that you are worthy of the love and attention you are about to provide yourself. Then smile and say: tomorrow is another day. You can do this!!! HUGS!

    Luv you guys!!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm new here and have 140 pounds to lose. I'm in my first week (started May 1) and would love to join this group. Not sure how? :)
  • Welcome to all the new folks and a HUGE congrats @melkithall !!! That's fantastic! For all of you starting just keep in mind that this is a journey. I've seen a quote in a few places this week that says (I'm paraphrasing here), 'whether you make progress or stand still, time will still pass.' I'm putting it on my inspiration wall because it's something I think we all struggle with. We cheat, slip-up, binge, whatever... and then we beat ourselves up and quit trying. Why? If you didn't do an amazing job cleaning your kitchen today you wouldn't quit cleaning it forever, right? We are surely more important than the tasks we do each and every day or week, and none of us can claim to be 100% at everything every single time. I started this journey with 121lbs to lose, and a month in I'm down 16lbs. Don't ask me why this time is different, but I looked at that scale the other day and FINALLY thought to myself, "You've got this, girl!" 5lbs, 10lbs, or even 1lb... if we do that every single month we'll get where we're going, and as much as we'd love this to be a sprint it is actually a marathon. So put one foot in front of the other and let's head for that goal line! Ok, off my soap box! :wink:

    Hope everyone had a winning day!
  • Just wanted to say Hello to all the new people and welcome!

    Congrats to everyone who had NSV and SV!! Good job!!!

    I am trying to be extra good this week because it is my Birthday Sat and we are going to a winery. And Ice creme cake. So yeah.....trying to get to the gym a for an extra day this week! Hope everyone is well. Allergies are killing me but the weather has been great for walking and swimming!
  • I am also needing to lose over 100lbs :( Add me :)
    I actually was inspired by someone on facebook to start my own page to hold myself accountable so started that yesterday, if anyone else is on facebook too and wants to follow and join me :)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Acountable-for-365-Days-Weight-Loss-Journey/387082344814369
  • @Jeanine_Colavecchi I have PCOS and have been battling symptoms for a long time.
  • Hi, I'm trying to lose about 100 lbs too please add me.