Online Dating



  • kamber13 wrote: »
    I agreed to meet up with a guy about 40 minutes away at a TGI Fridays for a drink and appetizers. I showed up in an adorable outfit and 3" heels (I'm 5;5"). He showed up and was only 5'2"... I have NO height issues about my mate, but apparently he DID! We met in the parking lot and he asked me to wait five minutes before I came in, so he would already be seated at the bar and no one would notice our height difference. We had to leave the same way, too! WTF?!

    Wow xD Was he expecting all of your dates to be "Sit down only" dates?
  • 8. Neck tats, face tats, any tats with gang symbols..........................................nope.

    What about knuckle tattoos? Plenty of those around these days.

    What if everything was going wonderfully and then during the first juicy romantic interlude, a tattoo was spotted on one of the erogenous zones? Or at least very close to the general vicinity. Would you go ahead with it but just not call the next day?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I won't sleep with someone I don't love, so I figure that would have worked itself out ahead of time.
  • I make really bad paint pictures to describe my online dating to my coworkers...This is one picture and then one of my smart *kitten* coworkers did the problem solving thing from my dates point of view, which I promptly scanned because it was funny after I got over the indignation part of the weirdo being mad and obsessive about a feather. I have more pics of other fiascoes in online dating but I'll just post these. kkus001fuao3.jpg
  • I did have a girl who I met online wanted me to meet her at a club (bad sign) and once I found her there she went out of her way to ignore me and try to blow me off. After I gave up I started dancing with another girl and kicking it with her. My "date" saw this, wild out and started a fight with the new girl, got knocked out and then thrown out of the club, date over.

    I will say that my present girlfriend (also met online) is awesome and we have been dating for almost 2 years, live together and have 2 dogs so it is not all lost with online dating.
  • I won't sleep with someone I don't love, so I figure that would have worked itself out ahead of time.

    There was once a professional tattooer who was in love with a very beautiful female client who had come to him a number of times to have her body permanently marked with tattoos. The last time she came in she asked for the image of flies and wavy stink lines to be tattooed on her very upper inner thighs, perilously close to the region known as pubic. Even he fell out of love with her.

  • Oh my, I have loved reading this thread... very entertaining and, well, frightening.

    To start I should say I have had several friends meet the love of their lives off of Match... I on the other hand, have not. Most dates have been blah at the best, although a few that were nice but didn't go anywhere. I have had the ones who are just looking for hook-ups, nude pics (not gonna happen), want a pen pal and the one creeper saying he was in the military but clearly not an English speaker fluently and kept referring to himself by his rank and name. Yeah, he wanted to marry me after 1 email when he returned to the states. He emailed me for over 6 months (mind you, I was not responding) and he professed how our love would bond us forever... My biggest gripe about online dating is for some reason people don't actually READ your profile. Men who freak or get turned off when they find out I have kids. That drives me nuts because had you actually spent 2 minutes looking you would see I have kids. Also, as a 36 year old woman most men who are interested are over the age of 50. I have no issues dating older men but I am confused of why men in their 30's and 40's won't date women in their mid-30’s. Sorry, rant over.

    The one story I wanted to share with the group was on Friday I was looking through my matches and came across my best friend’s ex-husband... okay, no big deal. Except, he made himself 11 years younger AND put his income down as $150K+, after telling her he's been unemployed for the past 3 years!!! Needless to say, screenshots were in order, and I wasn't interested.
  • AndiVentry wrote: »
    Oh my, I have loved reading this thread... very entertaining and, well, frightening.

    To start I should say I have had several friends meet the love of their lives off of Match... I on the other hand, have not. Most dates have been blah at the best, although a few that were nice but didn't go anywhere. I have had the ones who are just looking for hook-ups, nude pics (not gonna happen), want a pen pal and the one creeper saying he was in the military but clearly not an English speaker fluently and kept referring to himself by his rank and name. Yeah, he wanted to marry me after 1 email when he returned to the states. He emailed me for over 6 months (mind you, I was not responding) and he professed how our love would bond us forever... My biggest gripe about online dating is for some reason people don't actually READ your profile. Men who freak or get turned off when they find out I have kids. That drives me nuts because had you actually spent 2 minutes looking you would see I have kids. Also, as a 36 year old woman most men who are interested are over the age of 50. I have no issues dating older men but I am confused of why men in their 30's and 40's won't date women in their mid-30’s. Sorry, rant over.

    The one story I wanted to share with the group was on Friday I was looking through my matches and came across my best friend’s ex-husband... okay, no big deal. Except, he made himself 11 years younger AND put his income down as $150K+, after telling her he's been unemployed for the past 3 years!!! Needless to say, screenshots were in order, and I wasn't interested.

    I'm 41 and my general rule regarding age is 5 years either side of my own.

  • meeyuh wrote: »
    Had a wonderful few dates until we simultaneously realized we hated one another deeply, passionately and on a fundamental level.

    LOL, I'd love to hear the story on this one!

    Never had any that were run for the hills awful. Did happen to meet this one guy on OKC who I really enjoyed our conversation. We decided to meet up at a halfway point, but at the last minute, he asked if I could head the 25 or so miles over to his city so we could have a picnic and go for a stroll around the park. By this romantic picnic/stroll, it appeared he actually meant for me to come over to his HOUSE and walk around the neighborhood and then eat leftovers.. that his parents had made.. at what was actually his parents' house. :|

    OMG I want to see this movie it sounds hilarious!!!!!!!!
  • I met my husband via online dating. I also made some really good friends on the dating site we met on, so it's not all bad. Just like in everyday life, you meet losers and winners. Don't let the loser's outshine the winners.. and always be safe.